We're horrified, but according to a source inside Fox (wow, THAT'S a phrase we always hoped we'd never have to type), the denied rumors are accurate. Nicole Kidman and Shepard Smith are dating? Shut up. No, seriously. Shut. Up. First Nicole's affair with Lenny Kravitz and his stainless steel business, and now this??? How very heterosexual.

Reportedly, the twosome have been seen out on double dates with none other than Rupert Murdoch. Now that's a sexy evening.

[UPDATE! Confidential to 'An Enquiring Reader': Hey, I didn't force her to marry Tom Cruise. What people do — or, really, don't do — in the privacy of their own bedrooms is none of our business, right? Ha! Gotcha, I'm totally kidding. It's totally our business.]