· Vogue editor Anna Wintour's lover, Shelby Bryan, is, says a landlord, an illegal Chelsea subletter. When confronted in the lobby, Anna Wintour "was getting her mail from what was previously Frieda's mailbox, which she promptly body-slammed shut and then tried to disappear into the wall." [NYP]
· Heidi Klum's website, speaking from her new baby's first-person perspective (how postmodern!), announces "After having tasted the best nourishment in the world, I am very tired now and I just want to sleep." Has there been some kind of supermodel breast milk taste test, and we weren't informed? [NYDN]
· Blind items ahoy. [NYP]
· News from low society: Apprentice Nick Warnock to go to work for Gotham magazine. [NYP]
·If restaurant boy Rocco DiSpirito were an entree, he'd be sent back to the kitchen: the book's not selling, and he's headed to court. [NYP