Sightings are provided by readers; send yours to

In this week's edition: LeeLee Sobiewski, Ethan Hawke, Parker Posey and Ryan Adams, Spike Lee and wife, Donny Deutsch, Heidi Klum, Sofia Coppola, Calvin Klein, Lucy Liu, Jill Hennessy, Natalie Portman, James Lipton, Billy Crudup (x2) and Claire Danes, Howard Stern, Ashley Judd, Janice Min, Mandy Moore, Kwame Jackson.

· 4 pm on Friday: Lee Lee Sobiewski trying (in vain) to hail a cab on the corner of No Moore and Greenwich, which just happens to be the ticket office for the Tribeca Film Festival. Her legs are really long. Sean Lennon probably just reaches her butt. [Ed Note: Not any more he doesn't.]

· Sunday night I was having a drink at the bar at Cafe Des Artistes over near Central Park West (having been shoo-ed out of Tavern on the Green for being too early for a party) when my sister pointed out that tucked away in the corner a mere couple of feet away sat Ethan Hawke and his lovely date. (Definitely not Uma) Once they thought we'd spotted them, Ethan made a big show out of turning his back on us, but as he realized we couldn't care less and were having much more fun eating the free boiled quail eggs and laughing about people we know, he turned towards us so we would HAVE to notice him and the girl. (Pretty, long brown hair.. looks like actress Cara Buono but I'm not 100%) They definitely seemed to be on a date but must have been old friends as I heard her say, "I was looking at those pictures of us when we were all (somewhere)..I must have been like 20!" He was cute, dressed in a nice suit and seemed to talk about himself a lot. (Also, about 5 years ago I was walking in the East Village when this smelly, raggamuffin dude passed by and in my ear screamed "Welcome to the Jungle!" I stepped away in disgust and then some girl behind me came up and said "That was Ethan Hawke!" I'd thought he was a homeless man bothering me for no reason.) So I guess he cleans up well. Didn't look as sickly scrawny as he has in pictures of late.
·Sat. May 1: Parker Posey and Ryan Adams nuzzling behind the soundboard at Patti Smith's concert at the Warsaw.
·Sunday, May 2 - 1 PM: Spike Lee, wife and 2 kids shopping at Paragon Sports.
· On Wednesday night [4/28] myself and a few pals were having drinks at the Four Seasons in midtown (only because we know someone who is an employee and could swing half-price for booze and food) and happened to see Donny Deutsch hanging out at the bar all by his lonesome. People clearly recognized him but nobody was approaching him or his bulging, fake-tanned biceps. He disappeared, only to be spotted again a few hours later with a blond bimbette on his arm. THEN people took notice and he looked relieved.
·Saturday, May 1 - SoHo in the afternoon: Walking down Wooster Street I noticed about 5 paparazzi in front of me taking pictures of a pregnant Heidi Klum and her mother(?). They each had a jack russell on a leash. Then five minutes later I find Sofia Coppola holding court at (where else?) Marc Jacobs on Mercer.
· I spotted Calvin Klein at around 1pm [4/28] walking on Spring Street (or was it Prince?) during lunch with a scruffy male companion who was wearing shorts. I could not tell if Mr. Klein was searching for a restaurant or just wandering around aimless. When his companion stopped to speak to someone in a small shop, Klein continued to walk over a block before his wavy haired male friend caught up with him.
· Last night [4/28] I saw Lucy Liu and two nondescript guys having pizza and beer at Arturo's on Houston street. Lucy came in wearing a baseball cap and kept her back to the room throughout. As we were leaving we spotted the lovely Jill Hennessy with her incredibly cute baby an a few friends at a table near the piano. Arturo's celeb sightings — who knew?
· so i saw natalie portman on friday night [4/30] around 9pm, with a friend headed into the cinema on 19th and broadway to see mean girls. she was dressed very casually and looked very cute. everybody waiting to get their tickets ripped were whispering back and forth 'that's natalie portman, isn't it?'. it was.
· James Lipton on 7th row aisle at Jumpers last night, looking surprisingly (a) short, (b) fat, (c) old (no wonder he puts shoe polish in his hair and beard), compared to how he looks on TV. He and his wife caused a small stir when they fled before curtain calls (how's that for respecting the actors!) so fast that she left her coat behind. Still don't know if she ever came back to get it. On the plus side, he stayed awake through the whole thing, which is more than most of the audience could say.
· Not sure if they are banned yet.......My sister and I saw Billy Crudup and Claire Danes Sunday [4/25] afternoon in the East Village (2nd and 9th). The were laughing and acting all flirty. Then, last night we spotted them again sitting on a stoop on 9th deep in conversation. My friend later confirmed that they were waiting for a table at the restaurant next door b/c she saw them eating there later. She is much prettier in person, and he is just pretty.
· i saw what i believe was billy crudup walking down st. marks place toward 2nd avenue the other day in the rain. it was about 6:30 pm. he was shorter and less attractive than expected. he looked about 5'8" — is that right? anyway, he was carrying a big blue umbrella and a messenger bag. his face was kinda pimply/pockmarked-lookin'. eh.
· Okay... I am never in the realm of celebrities (well, either that or I never know the right place to look), but I actually had two sightings in one week: Saturday morning [5/01] running in Central Park I saw Howard Stern and an attractive blonde running in the other direction (north, up the West Side).
· And this past Monday, I saw Ashley Judd and a female companion on 21st Street between 5th and 6th.
· Double sightings: first of, Saturday afternoon [4/17] near Chelsea Pier, saw precocious I-skipped-10-grades Janice Min from People Mag ambling along 11th Ave w/ 2 other males, one of which must be her husband, but I can't tell which one. My immediate reaction was "oh, I went to college with her but can't quite remember her name but her face and the way she was dressed were all very familiar" and then it dawned on me that was Janice Min from Columbia. Then a few seconds later, it was "oh, that Janice Min from US Weekly". It's funny because I've seen her interviewed on those entertainment news shows before, but just never made that mental connection until seeing her slumping out and about and w/o all that TV makeup. Second of, saw Mandy Moore on lower Fifth Ave on Tuesday afternoon, walking by herself and talking on her cell. She was dressed downtown - baggy jeans, t-shirts, newsboy cap. She does look very pretty and fresh (gorgeous complexion) in person, and also w/o all that TV makeup.
·So this guy comes into my office (an architectural firm) on monday [4/26] asking me, "I'm here to see bluhbluhsomebody... a landlord?" and I don't know who he's talking about. It's not someone who works in my office, nor a client. I tell him (in retrospect - curtly? with disdain? maybe.) he's in the wrong place. Sorry, buddy. He comes back 20 minutes later and asks for someone who I do know, and I direct him to the conference room. Minutes later half the office runs breathlessly towards my desk - "oh my god, is it him??? Did you talk to him????" Apparently it was Kwame Jackson, Apprentice. I didn't watch the show. On his way out he made some crack to me about not letting him in the first time. It was sort of a nasty crack. Kwame and I? Not friends. I'm glad he didn't win.