1. Paris Hilton shot the new Guess jeans campaign last week. Well, it'll be nice to see pictures of her without Rick Salomon's genitalia near her face.
2. Would-be college students are paying 5 cents a word for application essays. Cripes, for that kind of money you could be writing for the New York Times.
3. We need to salute the NY Post for what we believe is their first use of 'doody' in a headline. It's an important milestone in the culture/obscenity wars. Yeah, that's it...
4. Tonight's the Met's annual Costume Institute Ball: get an eyeful of Blaine Trump's "romantic-heaving bosom."
5. Cate Blanchett gave birth on Friday and the press release didn't go out until today?
6. David Foster Wallace's forthcoming story collection gets a starred Kirkus review. Also, it's only 384 pages, so maybe someone will actually read it. [via Travelers Diagram]