Sightings are provided by readers; send yours to

In this week s neglect-your-schoolwork-to-bring-you-the-post-4/20-Gawker Stalker: Elizabeth Rohm and Lloyd Grove, Rose McGowan, Maggie Gyllenhaal, David Lee Roth, Mark Linn-Baker, Robert De Niro, Matt Dillon, Elisabeth Berkley, Lucy Liu, Michael Pitt, America s Top Model, John Leguizamo, Paul Bettany, Mark Consuelos, Tara Reid, Mandy Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Sean Penn and Naomi Watts, Jade Jagger.

· I saw "Law and Order"'s D.A. hottie Elizabeth Rohm last night at Cafe Luxembourg (and tomorrow's her birthday, by the way, so happy birthday Elizabeth, don't ask why I know that). Anyway she looked cranky and impatient as her date was talking at her. Finally, on my way out I got a look at the guy (still doing the talking) and guess what? He was none other than everyone's favorite Daily News gossip, Lloyd Grove. Uh, what's up with that? Just business, or a love connection gone wrong?

· Rose McGowan is stalking me. A month or so ago I sat next to her at Spa Belles during a manicure. Today I decided to get a blow-dry at that scary place "Jean Louis David" on 6th and 12th, and she was sitting next to me again. Then again, on both occasions she was already at the establishments by the time I got there, so maybe we just have a cosmic beauty connection.
· How do you spell the Secretary s last name? [Intern s Note: I think it s Gyllenhaal, but I m too stoned to look it up on IMDB. Plus I don t get paid.] Anyway, I arrived at Candela on 16th street yesterday evening to see her sitting at an outdoor table wearing a cellphone headset, talking rather animatedly, gently gesticulating with her hands and staring into the middle distance in a way that made her look a little kooky. She had a terrible haircut. Doesn t she have a phone at her house? And a terrace?
· David Lee Roth was at 2a on Monday (19/4) night. Wearing a white baseball cap (to disguise the loss of his luscious mane), he sat at the bar chatting to a group of dudes. A true legend, he agreed to take a photo with us; he has very strong arms with soft, fluffy hair. Also, he called me cute, which caused me to have a minor heart attack.
· Mr. Roth, part deux: I was walking home from work on Monday (4/19) when I saw a fairly large crowd in front of El Sombrero. Wondering what the commotion was, I went in for a closer look. A bunch of people were just sitting around drinking to-go margaritas, and in the middle of the crowd was none other than Diamond David Lee Roth. People were just walking up to him asking him random questions, getting margaritas and joining the sidewalk party that Dave had spawned. Ahh, isn't life swell?
· In response to yesterday s Balkie sighting, I saw Mark Linn-Baker (Cousin Larry) on Monday. I was at 71st and Columbus waiting outside my sushi restaurant when he walked by. I only vaguely recognized him as someone famous and couldn't remember who he was until I saw the Balkie sighting. That made all the pieces fall into place. He has gone gray at the temples, but other than that he looks just the same as on the show.
· I spotted Robert De Niro dining at a sidewalk cafe on Columbus Avenue near Lincoln Center, and Matt Dillon coming out of a Mailboxes on 82nd and Columbus.
· At Chelsea Wholefoods on Sunday I saw Elisabeth Berkley looking very made up, but acting courteous and not trying to hide her identity at all (going so far as to rock the blas look as to ensure that everyone saw her). The funny part: an undetectable Ben Chaplin breathlessly chased after her as she was waiting for her town car did he want a ride? He kept saying: "Elisabeth! Elisabeth!" until she finally turned around. He was skinnier than she was.
· Last Thursday night on my way to Kwame's Apprentice Party at Blvd (he never showed up but 3,000 of his 'closest' friends did), I bumped into Lucy Liu storming out of Balthazar. She was dressed to the nines with the newest Chanel interlocking C bag. You'd think she'd be happy she had one of those but, oh no, she looked like she was in a bad mood (heard she looks like that all the time). She huffed away heading towards Broadway and practically knocked down a few tourists along the way behaving like a true Bridezilla.
· I saw Michael Pitt moping besides the outdoor produce display at Garden of Eden on Montague Street in Brooklyn Heights last Thursday (4/15) afternoon. He was either admiring his pouty lips or his new brown suede New Balance sneaks it was hard to tell.
· Is America s Top Model banned yet? I don t think she should be. On beautiful Sunday afternoon, I passed Yoanna leaving Chelsea Piers, cell phone in hand. I think she has a bit of a big ass. Tight jeans kind of highlighted the fact. Nothing all that eventful, but I felt badly that she was alone (and probably just leaving a workout) on such a pretty day.
· The super hot, sexy, John Leguizamo in the kiddy playground in Tompkins Square Park last Saturday afternoon for HOURS with his two kids. He seemed like a great papa and was talking to all the locals in the park. He wore chinos, a white baseball hat, and a leather jacket he seemed very sweet. He could definitely be MY baby daddy any day!
· Perhaps the most overly-informed Stalkette of all time reports: at Balthazar around midnight on Saturday I saw Paul Bettany with wee Stellan in a stroller (I can't believe I know the child's name). No Jennifer Connelly, though she must have been on set. She is a lucky lady he s very beautiful and very tall. I also saw Mark Consuelos, who is there a lot, actually, because he lives across the street. I saw him just as he was leaving, so I might have missed Kelly R. He is very pretty, even if he was once a Chippendale's wannabe. I don't think he was there with Paul Bettany, because they left about 30 minutes apart, and they don't seem like they'd socialize, but I do know (I can't believe I know this as well) that Jennifer Connelly's older son, Kai, is in the same class as Kelly and Mark's kid, Michael. Then on Sunday afternoon, I spotted Tara Reid at Cipriani downtown. She was teeny tiny skinny in a tee-shirt and had a small swatch of denim across her small ass in some sort of miniature "skirt" simulation. I thought she was always that skinny, but the guys at my table assured me that she's lost a lot of weight since last year. Good to know.
· Mandy Moore at Chelsea's Trailer Park Lounge? Could it be? Well it's true, Moore fans: she likes deliciously greasy food and strong drinks just like the rest of us. Given the pathetic upcoming Saved, though, with her fundamentalist attempt to "save" her gay boyfriend, she might want to take her act somewhere else next time.
· I saw Mark Ruffalo last night at Mercer Hotel; he is as unbelievably cute. He looked at me as I walked in, and eventually left with an older, overly tanned gentleman maybe his father/agent? Unfortunately it wasn t me. Later on, Sean Penn joined very beautiful but semi-non descript Naomi Watts, along with a large posse of people. Jade Jagger was also there.