· Elite modelling agency put itself on the auction block: expect it to be the first of many as class-action fee-fixing lawsuits send modelling agencies into bankruptcy. Whatever will the models do??? [NYP]
· You have to own a hotel these days to score a starlet: most recently, Heather Graham snuggles up to Toronto hotelier Jeff Stober. [NYP]
· It's outta-Manhattan joke day at the Daily News. Miramax head Harvey Weinstein says of being knighted that "The closest I came to queens was Flushing." Har. And Bette Midler, getting awarded the trash-picker-upper medal of honor on Long Island said "I'm flabbergasted - I had no idea I was loved on Long Island, where the Jews go to breed. Then they go to Florida to stop breeding." [NYDN]
· Four Seasons co-owner and playboy Julian Niccolini on the competition: "We have no competition . . . Oh, you mean Michael's and that other place on Park Avenue, are they still open?" [NYP]
· Page Six Correction: WB entertainment reporter not married by dwarf. I'm really glad we got that settled and can now go on with our lives. [NYP]