Sorry about the afternoon's gaps in posting: evidently the rodents whose little tiny enslaved paws turn the wheels of our servers were given the afternoon off. Or died. Whatever. I dunno, this place is a fucking shambles. My ashtrays are all full! Where the fuck did the interns go?

1. Pictures of Moby and David Cross and Al Franken at their communist daycare center bakesale.
2. When labels erode: "Serious singer" Michael Stipe to sing duet with "poptart" Mandy Moore. [via whatevs]
3. Nightmarish dorm-building nightmare from nightmare-land to turn Avenue B into a nightmare.
4. Lil' Kim's trial set for November. A thousand wig-makers and breast-implanters explode in a frenzy of human hair and saline.
5. From the "Believe everything you read" department: Does Colin Farrell love to love the ladies, or has he hung up his ho-ing hat? And do you care?