1. This week we found out about the top-earning CEOs: way to be, Colgate-Palmolive's Reuben Mark and Apple's Steve Jobs!
2. Asian and gay-offending Details writer Whitney McNally: so famous she has her very own website all about how evil she is. (Bonus: You know, I really can't tell if those Asians at the Details protest are gay or not. I wish someone would write a helpful article explaining how to tell the difference!)
3. Craving fame? Humiliate yourself by submitting to the Shit Tales anthology.
4. What if Us Weekly covered anti-US Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr?
5. Rheingold, the beer company, launches their pro-smoking campaign. Who knew that "take back New York City" meant "smoke in bars"?
6. Since we all keep saying it's 1988, shouldn't we bring Dance Party USA back into syndication?
7. Meanwhile, Miramax bagman Harvey Weinstein settles back on his haunches to watch the numbers roll in this weekend. Harv wants you. He needs you to see "Kill Bill." Won't you do it for Harv and his bank balance? Don't get all "Jersey Girl" on the big man now...