Sightings are provided by readers; send yours to

In the latest voyeuristic excursion into celebrity frivolity: It's Yoanna's world, the rest of us just live in it, Michelle Williams and Michael Showalter, Michelle Williams sans Michael Showalter, Paula Abdul, Jennifer Connelly, Owen Wilson, Minnie Driver, Linda Fiorentino, David Bowie, The Rock, Bjork, John Waters, Johnny Knoxville, Kate Moss, Drea de Matteo, Claire Danes, Grayden Carter, Jeff Zucker, Julianne Moore, James Gandolfini, Ryan Adams and Parker Posey, Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart, Damian Lewis, Laetitia Casta, Amber Valletta, Kate Capshaw, k.d. lang, Benjamin Bratt.

·: I saw Yoanna from America s Top Model in Whole Foods Chelsea, about 4:30 pm on Tuesday. She is quite tall, and quite pretty. She was wearing an orange leather vest with white frills, black leggings, and white boots. The vest looked like that thing Mr. Burns wore in the "See My Vest" musical number. Really. It was the first thing that came to mind. Sadly, nothing in her cart. Is that how she keeps her figure? She looks much better after apparently gaining a few pounds after the show.

· I know, I know, there has already been so much stalking of Yoanna, but here s another! I was eating lunch at Rice Bowl at 71st and Broadway on Monday, around 1:45pm, and in walks Ms. House with her Marc Jacobs orange and white jacket and messenger bag. She was also carrying, suprise suprise, a large Sephora shopping bag (there is a Sephora just a few blocks away from Rice Bowl). She ordered a salad and I heard her say, 'Ooh, is that chicken? She was skinny, but not overly so, and v.v. pretty. Oh, she got the salad to go fear of eating in public or just off to a shoot?
· That chick Yoanna, who won Next Top Model, was in yoga with me tonight at Equinox (76th street) looking STARVED!!!! You can really tell that she is way too skinny for her frame, and she was mentioning that she usually takes power yoga. Yeah, that and the cotton ball dipped in orange juice diet.
· I saw Michael Showalter (ex-The State, Wet Hot American Summer) and Michelle Williams (ex-Dawson's creek, The Station Agent) snuggling up to one another in a juice bar in Cobble Hill where I work on the weekends. They shared some pirate's booty and a smoothie and then sat down to rehearse some script they were reading off of his laptop. Mind you, this was at 8:50 (the place closes at 9:00), so their presence was kind of annoying, but a little intriguing.
· Michelle Williams, the re-mix: I saw Jen from Dawson s Creek on the F train. She doesn't really look like she does on the show. For starters, she's not the yellow-blond you're accustomed to, but rather dark blond. The other thing that surprised me was just how teeny-tiny the girl is, even in one of those slightly puffy olive green army-esque jackets that are so popular with the kids these days. I mean, actresses tend to be thin and all, but I always thought of "Jen" as being the voluptuous one. They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but in her case it's more like 20 (Katie Holmes must be a twig). Also, this girl has got the creamiest porcelain complexion I have ever seen on a human being, even under the unflattering lighting of a subway car.
· I spotted Paula Abdul and her creepy husband (long blond hair, pock-marked face, untucked candy-colored shirt) on the JFK to LAX flight on Sunday evening. They insisted on boarding the plane before everybody else even before the other first class passengers (as if she's a big star who might get mobbed or something). Then I overheard one of the stewardesses complaining, "she wasn't nice at all, but my daughter will be thrilled to hear she was on the flight." Just to confirm, I asked, "Who? Paula Abdul?" The stewardess gave me a really sharp look and sniped, "No. Someone else." Yeah, right.
· I saw Jennifer Connelly and her husband and child strolling down 7th Avenue in Park Slope this past weekend. They looked cool and completely normal, except for one thing: the husband had on a bizarre, intensely tapered jacket that he probably thinks is awfully cool. Dude, it's not.
· I saw Owen Wilson last night (Tuesday 3/31) at Blue Ribbon Sushi in Soho. He was with an attractive but not gorgeous brunette and a less attractive buddy. Wore a Mitch-a-palooza t-shirt (not really).
· I came face-to-face with Minnie Driver today as she exited the subway at 14th Street and 8th Ave. She was thinner than I expected, and looked annoyed.
· I saw Linda Fiorentino at O Neil s (64th and Broadway) around 10:30 Tuesday night. She was at the far end of the bar on the corner, getting her face sucked by a large, scary, Mafioso-type fellow. Every few minutes they would make out like a couple of kids on spring break. Men in Black was good, but her best role ever is Sasha in Gotcha!
· I saw David Bowie today, alone, on Lafayette near Prince. He was wearing sunglasses despite the rain and clouds, and suspiciously high heels that still left him looking short. Kind of looked like an Upper East Side grandmother with a great facelift and perfect teeth.
· A particularly astute reader notes: I saw "The Rock" eating at Ruth's Chris steak house last night at 8:45 pm. His arms are really huge.
· Spotted on Broadway just below Houston: upon emerging from my local Dirty Deli, I almost ran into, or rather over, what I thought was a bag lady. The look: black, ultra-puffy jacket; layer upon layer of skirts, the longest of which touched the ground and was made of silver lam ; a gnarled mass of dark hair and bobby pins; a Zara bag. However, when the bag lady turned around I, of course, noted that she was A: Icelandic and B: Bj rk
· I saw John Waters with a 250lb. not-trying-very-hard drag queen at Joe Jr. restaurant on 6th Ave. and 12th Street last Saturday. The director was munching on a cheeseburger for breakfast, and was wearing a suit more wrinkled than his crow's feet.
· At Hiro tonight, I saw Johnny Knoxville in a pimp hat. Not so pimp though, is having a bouncer following you around all night, which he did. He was schmoozing with Frankie Raider at the bar, but left alone. I also spotted Kate Moss. She looked a little pouty (ed. note: duh). Strange, because she s not that striking in person.
· So for months now I ve been noticing this familiar-looking blonde who walks two dogs up 2nd avenue a Great Dane on one leash, and an English bulldog on another. The hot-woman-big-dog-small-dog combo is so striking that she literally stops traffic every time I see her. Then I read the Sunday NYT profile of Drea de Matteo and sure enough, they referenced the dogs and her East Village apartment. Who keeps a Great Dane in a NYC apt???
· I saw Claire Danes (sans Billy Crudup) at East Village consignment spot Tokio 7 on Sunday. She was talking to a girl (non celeb) about her career while waiting for her friend to pay for something (it was a guy also a non celeb). I overheard her say that she hadn t worked in a year is that why she's shopping at Tokio 7?
· At Lever House restaurant: Grayden Carter, going outside a couple of times to smoke. NBC's Jeff Zucker was also there, with a large party.
· I saw Julianne Moore Saturday, April 3rd, at Citarella, on 6th avenue and 9th street. She was shopping with an old assistant/older relative type. She was very friendly to the cashiers I guess she shops there often. Was very petite but otherwise just like in the movies: red hair, barely any makeup, and a long green coat that went well with her hair. Naturally, I stalked her for a couple of blocks, but she knew she was being followed and thus started walking around in circle, giving me dirty looks. It worked she scared me off.
· Friday night at the Raccoon Lodge everyone's favorite derelict hangout/dive bar in Tribeca none other than James Gandolfini, looking quite at home with his oversized belly and unbuttoned collar. We deduced that he must have been there with a whole bunch of guys from the crew because his (rather large) crowd was a bunch of guys who looked like schlumpy electricians from Staten Island. He spent a lot of time on the jukebox (was HE the guy who played every song on the Nirvana CD?).
· I walked past Ryan Adams and Parker Posey on Sunday, April 4th. He looked really normal and blah; not so cute or attractive in the least. His hair was messy, and colored an unsightly orangey-brown. He was short and chubby-cheeked, as usual. She was tiny, too about the same height as him. She looked way cuter, though, and was enviably makeup-free in an adorable beige winter coat. They weren't talking or acting lovey-dovey at all (is the honeymoon over?)
· I saw Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart (can we truncate that to Harrista Flockford?) casually strolling up 7th Avenue in Chelsea on Sunday morning, Calista pushing a baby stroller. I saw them again 20 minutes later heading back down 7th Avenue, and some goofy teenage boys stopped Ford and made him take a picture with them. They totally ignored Calista, so she just kept walking with the stroller, and Ford had to run to catch up with her. They both look older in person (I know, obvious), and he looks like he could be her father (I know, more obvious). She's not very attractive unless you dig seeing the contours of her skull she must not even weigh 100 pounds (sorry still obvious).
· I was at a party on Saturday night and I noticed a guy cutting a serious rug on the dance floor. He's really getting into it, dirty dancing with some chick. Then I realize it's British actor Damian Lewis (Band of Brothers). Wait a minute...doesn't he date Kristen Davis of Sex and the City? That's odd 'cuz later that night he is totally making out with aforementioned dance-floor chick on a sofa. PS: he was wearing a newsboy cap. Eeek.
· In Barney's Co-op in Soho on Saturday afternoon, I spotted Laetitia Casta of Victoria's Secret and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit fame. She looked much more petite, but none less beautiful, than her 60-foot representation on Houston St. She was with a woman who looked to be her mother and her little baby in an ATS (all-terrain stroller). As one of the few men in the store, I suspect very few patrons other than me actually recognized her as she shopped. I had hoped she'd relinquish her societal bonds and run away with me, but, alas, I had to settle for a smile.
· I saw Amber Valletta last night at the corner of Spring and Lafayette. She was sans makeup and was wearing sweats and a sweater, with a little boy in tow and maybe a nanny or some haggard looking agent/publicist/paid ass kisser. Lots and lots of freckles. I spotted her getting asked by tourists for directions outside of Fresh and it appeared she was smirking. Can you imagine they were asking one half of the Amber/Shalom duo for directions and had no idea who she was? As if!
· I saw Kate Capshaw at Spice Market on Tuesday night. Her reservation time was probably 10 pm (I would have thought Mrs. Spielberg could do better than I can...), and her she had a party of seven (all female, varying ages probably a family thing). She looked very good for a 50-something.
· I saw k.d. lang tonight at Dean and Deluca (Broadway-Lafayette area). She was wearing a dark blazer and jeans, and was holding hands with a much younger gal. Mmmhmm
· I saw Benjamin Bratt hurrying into the CVS on near West 3rd street on Tuesday afternoon, from a double-parked Ford Taurus on 6th avenue. I tried to see who was in the driver s seat of the car when I crossed the street, but could only make out that it was a woman.
· Forgive me if this is the umpteenth Gawker sighting of Benjamin Bratt, but I saw him, his wife, baby daughter and a male friend at the City Bakery at 4PM. Anyway, what's important is Benjy is an absolute Adonis. He was wearing a white button down shirt, jeans and sneakers. Everybody was busy chowing down so the only respectable thing to do was to steal a glance at his hotness.