· High-hair catfight: Morrissey v. Robert Smith in Entertainment Weekly. (What's more interesting: somehow, over the last twenty years, the two chief purveyors of English gloom have never actually been introduced.) [NYP]
· Olivia Chantecaille and her paramour, Eric Villency, come complete with press kit — which, unfortunately for them, was leaked to Page Six. [NYP]
· Omarosa is finally losing her mind, both on and off TV. [NYDN]
· Something about Murdoch the elder, Murdoch the young and hotter, Nielsen ratings, Hillary Clinton, and... some other stuff. Honestly, maybe my attention span has been damaged by reality TV, but I can't figure this story out. [NYDN]
· Queens of the Stone Age's Josh Homme got thwacked in the face at Niagara by unidentified hipster. [NYP]