Sightings are provided by readers; send yours to

Making the list: Jay-Z and Beyonce, Will Smith and Jada, Hillary Swank and Chad Lowe, Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart, Peter Paige and "the blonde lesbian from Queer as Folk," Vincent Gallo and his ego, Chelsea Clinton, Elizabeth Berkeley, Jimmy Fallon, Molly Shannon, Martha Plimpton, Jake Gyllenhaal, James Ransone, Lou Reed, Nick from the Apprentice, Lauren Bush, Paula Abdul, Bonnie Fuller, James Gandolfini, Cynthia Nixon, Jon Bon Jovi, Robert Deniro, Famke Jansen, Dakota Fanning, Lenny Kravitz, Tim Robbins, Sean Lennon, Mandy Moore, and Ted the four-eyed Queer.

· Ate right nearby Jay-Z & Beyonce at The Spotted Pig in the West Village on Friday Night. They pulled up in a Rolls Royce Classic Limo and were seated near the door. She was checking her text messages and he was reading the one point she shared one of the messages with him. After about 20 minutes they were moved to a back booth and the Chemical Brothers took their spot near the door. About a half hour later, I saw Jay-Z and Beyonce sitting in one of the back booths looking at a framed vintage pig anatomy/cuts of meat chart behind them, and pointing at the different cuts of meat on a pig. Highly entertaining. Also eating behind us was Bright Lights, Big City author Jay McInerney. No Sean Lennon spotting though.

· In front of Western Beef of all places, Will Smith and his wife Jada . Their presence emptied the supermarket and had half the people on the block in tears. The girl working the register jumped ship on her post and ran out screaming for hug...she later returned to her post teary eyed. Also the guy from King of Queens was there too, they must be filming something.
· Spotted Hilary Swank and Chad Lowe walking on Eighth avenue at 14th street yesterday right after work. They looked like normal post-work dazed New Yorkers. Hilary was in gym clothes and Chad was in chinos. They are much shorter in real life, they are both almost the same height.
· I saw a grey-haired Harrison Ford and his lady Calista Flockhart in front of a Barnes and Noble at the corner of 22nd and 6th. They both seemed a bit lost, but Calista was navigating in that 'North must be this way' manner. They both looked older than they do on TV, but that's Hollywood for you. It's not their fault.
· Saw Peter Paige and the blond lesbian from Queer as Folk Tuesday night at Therapy. At one point he got up from the table, presumably to use the restroom, but low and behold, his cock was already out in anticipation. He waved it a few times at his table of cohorts before stowing it away and going downstairs to release it into a more appropriate environment. It seems everyone wants to be Janet Jackson these days.....
· Saw Chelsea last night (Tuesday) near the WFC desperately looking for a cab. She seemed irked to be spotted and continued to run from one side of the highway to the other like a little frogger with curly hair. She opted to stand on the middle divider and flail her arms wildly no luck. Looks like even Oxford scholars have trouble hailing cabs. Her cute boyfriend was nowhere in sight. Have to say she is slightly better looking in person than those goofy pictures of her in the press. But only slightly. Still goofy.
· On Sunday, I saw Elizabeth "I'm so excited" Berkley rug shopping at Crate & Barrel on Houston. She looked very un-Showgirls in jeans, sneaks, and an orange down vest.
· I sat next to Jimmy Fallon at Sushi Samba last week. I didn't realize it was him until halfway through dinner, when my friend went to the bathroom and I started eavesdropping on the people next to me (of course). He was with a non-celeb, and they were talking authoritatively about SNL, specifically about Eddie Murphy back in the day and what the cast thought of him. I was like, "How the hell would he know?" so I snuck a glance, then recognized him. They fought over the check when it came; Jimmy said he'd take it and the guy could get him next time, but the other guy was like, "Dude, Jimmy, I owe you thousands of dollars in dinners, let me pay!" He had on Tina Fey-ish black glasses, stubble and facial hair all over the place, and was dressed pretty shlubby.
· I saw Molly Shannon with a baby carriage on Tuesday she looked really cute and a bit older than I expected. She was announcing to her friends that she just stopped breastfeeding. She seems really normal and nice.
· Here's a blast from the B-list 80's past...I saw Martha Plimpton dining at Kodama Sushi with the guy who used to be in those Gap Swing dance ads. She was actually really small and had her hair in a bleach blonde pixie cut. I wanted to tell her I loved her work in Goonies, but alas, I'm a pussy.
· I saw Jake Gyllenhaal today on the corner of Mercer and Spring. He was wearing bright orange sneakers, a baseball hat, and was walking a big German shepherd-esque dog with a much older man. He s way more attractive in person, no Kirsten in sight, and yes, he checked me out ;)
· I spotted James Ransone, who played Ziggy on The Wire, on the L train to Manhattan at 10pm last night, hanging out with a bunch of similarly dirty slacker (read: extremely cute) Billyburg boys. He got off at 3rd Ave. and a friend shouted: "James! Good luck with your show!" Wonder where he'll pop up next.
· Just saw Lou Reed on 14th Street in the meatpacking district holding a bunch of Asian textiles with a young, cute, Asian girl. He was wearing a leather jacket and a chain wallet and was smiling a lot.
· Nick from the Apprentice heading towards the PATH in Hoboken after last call. Looking very serious, he was trying to ignore the whispering. Reality stars seem to like Hoboken.
· On Saturday, I saw Lauren Bush and two friends in an around-the-block line for Magnolia cupcakes. Wearing navy exercise shorts and no makeup, she looked tres ordinarie. The "bouncer" at Magnolia refused to let her discuss cupcake flavors with her friends inside the store. Shockingly, there was evidence of a shoe purchase at Urban Outfitters slung across her shoulder. At least her friend was carrying a bag from Bendels....
· I saw Paula Abdul at the street fair on Greenwich Avenue on Saturday. She was munching on a sausage sandwich and was with a couple of friends. She looked older in person than she does on TV.
· Spotted at Jefferson Market on Friday: Bonnie Fuller, in the produce section. Evidently, she s just like us she eats her leafy greens.
· On Sunday, I spotted James Gandolfini on 12th Street and 4th Ave, crossing the street and getting into the driver's seat of a black SUV. Was wearing jeans, sunglasses, some kind of fleecy pullover. He s much thinner than he appears as Tony Soprano.
· Saw Cynthia Nixon coming out of the 45 Bleeker Theater right before the Friday night Sarah Jones performance. She was looking very much like "casual weekend Miranda," dashing past the theater crowd and wearing a tan Fair Isle sweater. She hopped into a waiting car not a limo, but a very old Honda w/ two elderly folks in the back seat (Mr. & Mrs. Nixon?). Miranda sat shotgun; I didn't get a look at the driver.
· Spotted Jon Bon Jovi right outside of the Bus Stop Cafe in the West Village today. He was alone and just standing there. He's pretty tiny and still very Jersey despite the shorter hair/millennium makeover. He looked quite out of place, but still, it was nice to see him in the 'hood, a welcome change from the West Village's usual gaggle of hipster celebs. Rock on JBJ, we luv ya!
· Just saw them filming an upcoming movie called "Hide and Seek" on 88th and Central Park West. I saw Robert De Niro, Famke Jansen, and child actress Dakota Fanning. De Niro looked exactly as he does on screen the crew said he was nice to work with. Famke looked really beautiful, although a crew member said she wears a lot of make-up. I'm sure she's still gorgeous. Dakota Fanning was extremely adorable (I wish she was my child), and incredibly professional for such a young girl. I couldn't help telling her, "You're so cute!"
· I saw Lenny Kravitz this morning on 72nd street looking very, ummmm, confused. Nice sunglasses though! He was wearing some long cape-like thing...I looked in the car for a Nicole-Kidman look-alike but none was to be seen.
· On Madison Avenue just south of 84th Street @1:30pm today, Tim Robbins walking and talking on his cell, wearing black aviator shades in the rain, and a very sharp knee-length navy overcoat (Prada? Helmut Lang? Like that), looking very tall and gorgeous. Like, really way more gorgeous than I imagined, and, um, really TALL. *sigh*.
· Wednesday evening around 8:00, Sean Lennon at the Turkish and Russian Bath House with a girl with long dark hair, not Lee Lee. I couldn't quite gauge the relationship, but he seemed to be showing her around Truman Capote-like voice and doughy as hell. What does this boy do?
· Mandy Moore apparently likes to keep abreast of celeb news. I saw her (in the dreaded uggs and a Kangol cap, but she's still awfully cute) duck into Newsbar on 19th street today (3/23). While my bear-like friend and I gawked at her through the front window, she picked up People, US, and Star maybe checking up on her breakup with a-rod? Not sure what she actually bought though; we had to run away because I used the words "fuck" and "dumped" and "Andy Roddick" rather loudly and then realized that the door to the tiny shop was wide open. Also on 19th street, Ted from Queer Eye. He was just walking though nothing too fascinating. According to my friend, he's way hotter in real life.
· Last night, 3/24/04 at around 10pm, I saw Vincent Gallo inside that health food store next to Pere Pinard on Ludlow. He spent an awwwwful long time loitering next to the bottles of ginseng, St. John's Wart, and Beano. I was hoping he'd buy some of the cooler shit health food stores have to offer, but, alas, I got bored watching before he actually bought anything. So when is Brown Bunny hitting theaters anyway?