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In this week's careening joyride edition of Gawker Stalker: Sean Lennon and Leelee Sobieski, Paris Hilton and Nick Carter in Tampa, Dick Clarke, Barbara Walters, and Deborah Norville, Ice-T, Natalie Portman, Sarah Jessica Parker, Cindy Crawford, D.L. Hughley, Michelle Yeoh, Dave Pajo with Karen Elson, Kyan the Man, Tatum O'Neal, Michael Goondry, Dan Lauria, The Donald, Apprentice Heidi, Sam Waterston, Gilbert Gottfried, leonardo DiCaprio, Isabella Rossellini, Heather Mattarazzo, John Lithgow x2, Dakota Fanning, James Gandolfini, Prince (and Farnsworth Bentley!), Michael Moore, Crispin Glover, Julianne Moore, Justin Timberlake, Gheorghe Muresan, Sean Lennon and his young lover Leelee again, and, last but never ever least, Mr. Vincent Gallo.

· Last night at the Ladykillers premiere party at Capitale Sean Lennon and Leelee Sobieski were all over each other. Then, at the end of the party he got on top of her and they started making out/humping on one of the banquets, which was very weird and embarrassing. My girlfriend yelled "That's nasty!" and I said "I'm telling Gawker. Gawker stalker!" (we were drunk). They heard us and then got up and walked back to there group sheepishly. Anyway, she's kind of cute, nothing special, but she has really great tits. He's just creepy and bloated.

· I'm in Tampa visiting family and was out to eat at a Japanese Steakhouse called Arigato's when our waitress started babbling about Paris Hilton. Since most of the night had been spent deciphering what she was saying, only to have it amount to non-sense, my friends and I didn't immediately listen to her. However, we soon realized that Paris Hilton and Nick Carter were in-fact eating in a corner of the restaurant. Supposedly, she is down here filming The Simple Life 2 and, among other things, had a recent trip (via AirVac) to the hospital after falling off a horse. Also turns out that she has been in the restaurant in the past week with Nicole Richie and that the tips were not all that the waitresses had expected. I guess we just caught her in one of those moments that will end up on the cutting room floor when The Simple Life 2 airs.
· Do Dick Clarke, Barbara Walters and Deborah Norville at David Burke & Donatella count? poor Deborah though—she looks great but they kept her waiting in the bar a good 20 minutes before she got a table.
· Saw Ice-T downstairs at the Bed Bath & Beyond on East 61st Friday night, buying curtains for 104-inch windows. Conversation at the cash register:
Cashier: Was that Ice-T?
Me: Yes.
Cashier: He's got some new juice drink out, it tastes terrible.
Me: What does it taste like?
Cashier: Poop.
Me: Never heard of it.
Cashier: Well, it can't be doing too well, or he wouldn't be shopping here.
· saw natalie portman today (3/20), during the protest, on madison around 23rd st. she was walking uptown (against the flow of the march). really pretty (even though she didn't have a spot of makeup on - lucky bitch) and was so incredibly tiny (must've been around 5ft) she was walking with some other girl, and only a few people recognized her as she passed.
· Saw Sarah Jessica Parker having dinner with about 10 other (normal, non-celebrity, I think—at least no one I recognized) people at 66. She is tiny—short and very skinny. Wearing a strapless black dress, black pumps, very chic vintage-type overcoat, carrying Jimmy Choo bag. Seemed very nervous, had fellow diner escort her on her trip to the bathroom, and literally ran out of the restaurant when she was done with dinner. (to avoid being accosted by fans?). She seemed to be gracious to those who did approach her, but lacked the self-confidence she frequently displayed as Carrie.
· On Friday I had lunch at Fred's, the 19-bucks-for-a-burger joint on the ninth floor Barneys (uptown). Cindy Crawford was sitting by the window with a shrivelled middle-agged woman. Cindy wore a lux' blue and lavender Pucci/Hermes-lookin' blouse, and a chunky fur coat was slung over the back of her chair. Gorgeous red highlights, too—maybe some hair extensions, tho? I didn't see her eat, but I wasn't watching that hard. She was actually lounging for most of the meal, like leaning back in her chair with one arm thrown over the back of the chair next to her, stroking the upholstry with her fingers. Oh yeah, this chick holding a super-cute baby came over to talk to the woman with Cindy, and Cindy kinda ignored her, but I don't like babies, either, so no biggie. Oh! And I also saw D.L. Hughley leaving Fred's, from that UPN show or whatever, but that was only because my boyfriend spotted him and was laughing at him. I never would have noticed.
· Spotted at Dim Sum Go Go on Sunday afternoon: Hong Kong movie goddess and star of "Crouching Tiger" Michelle Yeoh, looking glamorous in big sunglasses. According to a jaded waiter, "Oh, yeah, she's in here all the time." According to some critical female gawkers, "too much foundation."
· I brushed by Dave Pajo (aka Papa M) as I was crossing Houston Street this afternoon. He looked a bit scruffy and non-descript to me, but model Karen Elson must not have thought so. They were walking arm in arm engaged in what seemed like flirtatious chit-chat.
· Saturday afternoon my friend and I were on 17th between 6th and 7th making our way to Lohmann s. I was telling her how I read that Robert Gant (hottie Ben from Queer as Folk) was dating Queer Eye Grooming Guru Kyan. I was blabbing on and on about how they are the prettiest couple ever, when someone kicks the back of my foot, says excuse me and passes was KYAN! I m not sure if he heard us talking though because he was wearing ipod headphones. He is just as hot in person (wearing the requisute "I'm a celeb sunglasses") but shorter than expected.
· Last Thursday in Tribeca, Premiere magazine held an intimate private screening of Eternal Sunshine for an annoying gaggle of PR types, advertising executives, and editors (none of which I happen to be, thank god). Sitting behind us was not-so-little darling Tatum O'Neal, who was surprisingly beautiful considering her propensity in recent years for looking like a haggard mom. On one arm she wore a bejeweled Fendi baguette that was just so 1999 it hurt, and on the other arm, a totally Dolce and Gabband'd out boy-toy (tall, dark and much younger) with a goofy punk haircut that probably set his sugar mama back 300 bucks. Although the film was simply amazing, Ms. O'Neal and her beau laughed way too hard and loud at every single joke (during non-comical moments as well), but didn't bother to stick around for critic Glenn Kenny's Q&A with director Michel Gondry , who garbled in half-French, half-English and had to ask me what "labyrinthian" meant.
·Dan Lauria ("Jack Arnold" of "The Wonder Years") at Au Bon Pain on Union Square.
· 1. Met The Donald himself downtown...very pursed lips and the HAIR..oh the horror! Looked like swirly wheatgrass and it is impossible to tell where it begins or ends. He gave me a kind of half smile.
2. Met Heidi from the Apprentice on the day in which the episode in which she was booted was aired. It was on an Amtrak train platform going from Philly to NY. While not very attractive (think Carmela from the Soprano's at her worst), she was very nice and friendly when I approached her.
3. Saw Sam Waterston and the blond from Law and Order filming near the Centre Street courthouses.
· I just saw Gilbert Gottfried outside near B&H camera store on Monday (Mar. 22). He was alone and wearing a dark sweatshirt hood pulled very tight around his face. He was making his sucking-a-lemon face because of the cold wind. Hollywood Squares must not be taping now. I googled his name later and found out he's the voice for the AFLAC duck.
· Leonardo DiCaprio at Pastis for brunch on Saturday (fooling no-one in backwards baseball cap and sunglasses).
· Isabella Rossellini at Time Warner Equinox on Saturday afternoon.
· Heather Mattarazzo a.k.a. Weinerdog from "Welcome to the Dollhouse" was at Fez's Va Va Voom show on Saturday night (Mar.20). She looks a lot prettier than her awkward teen years. She was with a male companion and another couple and they all ordered the same pink martini-type drink. The male and female strippers and nakedness didn't seem to phase her.
· Saw john lithgow walking his collie around 10:30 on 73rd and amsterdam. he's pretty tall, and his head was covered by a leather daddy-esque beret/cap type thing.
· I saw John Lithgow yesterday on the uptown 9 train, wearing a ridiculous furry hat and chatting with a dark-haired woman who got off at 14th street with me. John has a very large head. Literally.
· I saw the adorable Dakota Fanning walking around on the Upper West Side on 2/29. She was with a couple of other people, I'd guess family members. They, like everyone else, seemed to be enjoying the beautiful weather.
· james gandolfini playing pool in max fish, tuesday nite 3/16 around 10:30pm.
· On Tuesday night (or technically, Wednesday morning around 3 am) I showed up at Bungalow 8. Despite the fact that the doorguys told my boyfriend and I that we "needed a reservation", we walked in five minutes later to an EMPTY club—like 40 people, max. Amy Sacco SUCKS! Anyway, so we're chilling out and who walks in but PRINCE!!!!! He is obviously super-tiny, and they sat him alone in one of those HUGE round booths (banquets?), which totally dwarfed him and made him look four years old. The DJ palyed Prince for an hour and only like four people were dancing, so it was awkward. The Artist sat alone most of the time, looked rhinoplastied and sulky. Two big bodyguards stood by the whole time, but no one tried to talk to him, anyway. Pharrell and Clipse also showed up really fast, but left bc it was so lame. Oh, I don't know if this counts as a celebrity, but I saw Farnsworth Bentley, P Diddy's butler, last week at Marquee. It seriously changed my life.
· Spotted at 1:30 p.m. on the corner of Broadway and 58th, amid a haze of winter flurries, Michael Moore chatting it up on his cell phone, looking fairly blase. He had not shaved in a few days, that's for sure. And, he seems to have gained some more weight.
· I saw Crispin Glover last week at the AMODA (Austin Museum of Digital Art) showcase downtown. He was dressed in a very nondescript manner (white shirt, black jacket, if I remember correctly), was rocking a very George McFly-ish hairdo, and really didn't look like someone who's fixing to turn 40. I wasn't sure it was him until I saw his profile and caught his distinctive nose (later I found out he is shooting a film in the area, which explains his presence in town). I spoke to lots of major Crispin fans there ("Ruben and Ed" appreciators, mostly), but none of them caught a glimpse of him before he left, just me. At least it was better than last year during South by Southwest when I ran into Pauly Shore on the street.
· My friend just had Julianne Moore doubled over (with laughter - you pig) at Jacques Torres in Dumbo. The story - which I'll spare you - involved a chocolate Easter bunny and a case of mistaken identity! She looked hot.
· I was introduced to Justin Timberlake at the studio where he's shooting his new movie [here in vancovuer]. he was down to earth and only had an entourage of two, who i assumed were fellow crew-members of the film. he didn't brush me off just because he didn't know who i was which was good. he looked the same as he did at the superbowl, with the 4-day beard thing happening, no baseball hat. he seemed to be quite tall [6'1 to my 5'7"]. I was kind of uber-star struck and said "hellllo justin, good to meet you." as if i was talking to a two-year old.. i'm not sure why it came out that way. Cameron Diaz was nowhere in site.
· Spotted: At the museum of Natural History on Sunday, eight-foot-tall former NBA player and "My Giant" costar Gheorghe Muresan, accompanied by his normal-sized family. The transylvanian superman was wearing an incognito baseball cap and ducking in and out of the exhibits in the hall of dinosaurs. Surrounded by the skeletons of gigantic beasts? Get comfortable, Gheorghe, you'll be there soon enough.
· Sean Lennon breezes by my table at the overpriced, but damn good Carmine street faux-retro diner Shopsins. I noticed only because the normally indifferently rude staff (they're actually nice, but they put on an act for the rubes) suddenly snaps to attention and they give him a 4 out of 10 on the fawn-o-meter. He was with a girl, who turned out to be Leelee Sobieski, according to my brunch companion. I'm kinda slack on actresses born after 1981. Hopefully they tried the macaroni and cheese pancakes or the falafel eggs.
· I saw Vincent Gallo last week at Schiller's, around 11:30. He came in by himself and sat at a table by the window, I dont think anyone was coming to meet him. I think he's really gross not to mention short and and I don't see how people find him attractive. My friend offered me $100 to go up to him and tell him that I thought Brown Bunny was better than Citizen Kane, but VG seemed to be very intent on his cellphone conversation (maybe dealing with some A++++ ebay bidders? he seemed happy about something) and plus I'm a big wuss so I didn't do it.