Martha, Martha, Martha: It's the Year To Be Hated
A reader — a man, or as my mother used to call them, "a penis-burdened person" — writes in about Martha Stewart:
I know it's a lost cause, but you (and virtually everyone else in the media) are wrong to say with such weary worldliness that Martha Stewart was "busted" for something that thousands of men get away with every day in this town. She was, in fact, convicted of, first, conspiring to lie to the federal government and, second, doing so, repeatedly (albeit ineptly). You can't seriously believe that every day in New York "thousands" or even dozens of men conspire to brazenly lie to the federal government in face-to-face interviews with FBI agents and federal prosecutors.
First, I must ask you not to insult our bad name here at Gawker by referring to us as members of the media. Tres icky. But furthermore: What, thousands of men don't brazenly conspire to lie to the federal employees of the IRS every day? And to the compliance departments of their brokerage houses? The New York City that we love is built on the very principle that you can lie not only about where you got your money and how you made more of it but, better yet, whose stock and hookers you spent it on and why.
Sophistry aside (on both of our parts), didn't they always use to say that we'd have gender equality when women could be assholes just like men? Is the fact that Martha Stewart is guilty of obscuring her reasons for her stock sale proof positive of the success of feminism? That would be a really nice consolation for her in the big house. Maybe we should sew Martha a little needlepoint pillow that says "If they can put one man on the moon, why can't they put them all there?"
Martha Stewart Thanks Fans, Meets Parole Officer [Reuters]
Revolution has come and the little guys are getting greedy [Barbara Amiel (AKA Lady (Conrad) Black) in the Telegraph]