This Year's NYC Billionaires
Congratulations to all of us for the addition of six New York City billionaires on the Forbes annual list: last year, we only had 25. (Technically, we've got more than 31: for instance, George Soros's current use of his upstate address excludes him from the list somewhat inaccurately.) More skewing: three on this billionaires list are the Ziff boys. (Daniel Ziff: still single!)
We all know that the more people hoard vast amounts of wealth, the better off the rest of us are, right? Riiight. In any event, the real story this year: a marked statistical increase in goyishe billionaires. 9 out of the 31 are Gentiles, as opposed to last year's list, with only 5 of the 25.
The World's Richest People [Forbes]
2003: NYC Jewish Billionaires [Gawker]
NYC Billionaires: Jewish or not?
Keith Murdoch
Samuel Newhouse Jr yes
Carl Icahn yes
Michael Bloomberg yes
David Koch yes
Ronald Perelman yes
Maurice Greenberg yes
Leonard Lauder yes
G rard Louis-Dreyfus & family ?
Edgar Bronfman Sr yes
David Rockefeller Sr
Donald Trump
Clive Calder
Ralph Lauren yes
Leona Helmsley yes
Leonard Stern yes
Ronald Lauder yes
Leonard Blavatnik
Bruce Kovner yes
Herbert Allen Jr
Stanley Druckenmiller yes
Laurance Rockefeller
Sanford Weill yes
Barry Diller yes
Henry Kravis yes
Mortimer Zuckerman yes
Austin Hearst
Daniel Ziff yes
Dirk Ziff yes
Robert Ziff yes
Herbert Siegel yes
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