How'd everybody's fame do this week?

↑ The Jayson Blair book: With just a few copies in circulation, everyone's talking about the incredibly restrictive contract that accompanies the review copies, which contains conditions that some major publications have refused to accept. Seems like another common topic of discusssion these days is how easy it is for any author to write claims about what goes on at parties and in offices when you won't identify anyone who was allegedly present.
↑ The Oscars: They're coming fast, so build your own Oscar pool page.
↑ The final Sex and the City: when you find the necklace, you find the man. At least that's what my grandma always said. Related: Is the finale the ultimate humiliation?
↑ Michael Jackson: not going to rehab makes the news.
↑ Governor Rick Perry of Texas certainly was the subject of all sorts of talk this week.
↑ Disney CEO Michael Eisner: he's been riding the Mouse like a bucking bronco.
↑ New NY mag editor Adam Moss: hey, no pressure, man. It's not like everyone in New York is watching your every editorial move.
↑ Martha Stewart and her "erstwhile best friend" got more famous, and the prosecution rests.
↑ Alex Polier, the journalist who didn't sleep with anyone who's running for President, got a hell of a lot more famous.
↓ The Q Diamond train goes out of service with a bang.
VF scriber Michael Wolff — haven't heard a peep out of him all week. So nice.
↓ Magazine covers: we're living in the age of dull seduction.
↓ ImClone stock: down to 40 from last Friday's high of 46. Awww.
↓ Tabloid queen Bonnie Fuller: she's been trashed in the media so hard it's a wonder the woman leaves her house anymore.
↓ Diana Ross: out of jail, and no — she's not marrying David Gest and neither is anyone else.