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In this issue: Ethan and Uma, Dylan McDermott, Carrie and Mr. Big, the Hebrew Hammer and Christina Ricci, Kim Cattrall and Vincent Gallo, Ed Burns, Elizabeth Berkley and Greg Lauren, Helena Christensen, Monica Lewinsky, Walter Cronkite, Michael Pitt, Wendy Williams, Bill Lambear, Jason Lewis, Scarlett Johannson, and, from the land that time forgot, Seal.

· At 71 Irving, a once cozy neighborhood cafe, now reincarnated as NYU dorm cafeteria, I spotted Ethan and Uma at the most obvious spot in the entire room, both shockingly old and haggard. Ethan evidently wanted the entire world to know that they were discussing custody arrangements for the children, and he seemed to have a lot of ideas on the subject, while Uma sat silently, in a vain attempt to hide her face with a scarf. He reeked of desperation. Later the duo walked towards Gramercy Park, barking Border Collie in tow, and Ethan kicked the poor beast after it jumped up for affection.

· Last Wednesday around midnight, my sister and I happened upon the filming of a Sex and the City scene in the West Village where Carrie and Big have a big fight on the street (at Perry St. & West 4th)—from across the street, all we could hear hear say was "It's been six years!" sort of screaming and crying and then she skillfully ran two blocks down the street in very high-heeled pink sparkley shoes.
· Last night (Feb 8) around 8pm, spotted Dylan McDermott, formerly of "The Practice," at the Biltmore Room in Chelsea. He appeared to be there for a birthday dinner with family (about 7 or 8 other people were with him). He was looking incredibly hot in black on black and was sporting a very nice pair of shoes.
· The Hebrew Hammer (AKA Adam Goldberg) with his hand in the crack of Christina Ricci's ass at the Shins' show at the Henry Fonda Theatre in LA last night. They're both really short.
· At Lotus last night: Kim Cattrall and Vincent Gallo. Her hair looked like a wig, if it wasn't one. And, she is not a good dancer.
· Ed Burns filming an independent film in the lobby and out front of the New Yorker Hotel today. His hair is all slicked back, he was wearing a red tartan scarf and looked more slender than usual.
· sat next to elizabeth berkley and greg lauren last night at Kelley & Ping thai resturant in SoHo. couldn't concentrate on my meal because she sounds exactly like Jessie Spano. I felt like we were sitting in a booth at the Max... although "jessie" was swillin a bud light out of a bottle... traumatizing! :)
· I saw Helena Christensen this evening (2/7) on Bleecker Street near Marc Jacobs — perhaps she had just bought herself the pro-Hillary Clinton shirts they are hawking? Regardless, she was bundled up and with a friend — she towered over me (and her friend) and had almost non-human unbelievably defined cheekbones.
· saw Monica Lewinsky today looking around at Showplace Antiques on 25th St. she looked way big, heavier than the last time i saw her. although still has a pretty face and nice smile. I'd probably let her do me like she did Bill anyway.
· The anciently adorable Walter Cronkite and wife hobbling out of david burke & donatella on Thursday night, flanked by David Burke and Donatella (Arpaia) themselves. Cronkite seems to be succumbing to that old person's crunch, where the spine compresses and the ears and nose get bigger.
· now that he is sooo close an "it" boy, i can report i saw michael pitt at pete's candy store two saturdays ago. he didn't do much except hang out with this guy and a girl (isn't that the plot in The Dreamers?) but he did look exceptionally greasy. he was dressed like a homeless man (big green coat, big boots, black jeans, fingerless gloves) and kept pulling his ski cap lower on his greasy head. he occasionally peered over his shoulder and nodded, as if to see if anyone had acknowledged his presence.
· and just because it would go to waste, my favorite grossly c-list bit is from about two months ago, my big and tall roommate brought me into a large-foot ladies shoe store on 35th street. while i marvelled at the shoes, i could not help but hear this really loud, slow, familiar voice talking about her upcoming trip to LA and what she would be driving, in between heaping abuse towards the salesguy, who had the luxury of dealing with her (you guessed it) large feet. it was wendy williams, dressed like a (more) retarted britney spears, i think she had pink legwarmers on.
· At around 11pm last night, at the West Side Gaf (dive bar that generally has some old school toons complete with some old school ladies) in walks Bill Lambear - former Detroit Piston bad boy. He's massive - about 6"10 and easily over 250 lbs. Wearing a read long sleeve shirt and a pair of Levi's, Bill sat alone drinking a clear liquid (gin and tonic?) scoping out the ladies and watching the game on TV. My buddy, who is from Michigan, went up to speak to him but Bill barely made an effort to acknowledge his prescence.
· Gorgeous Jason Lewis who plays Samantha's boyfriend Smith Jarred, in Pop on 9th Ave/14th St. Shaven headed and surrounded by giggling girls who wanted his photo. He happily posed with them, and kept checking out the shots on the digital cameras.
· Saw Scarlett Johannson standing at 9th street and 4th ave the other day, looking for a cab, looking made up and absolutely gorgeous...and also looking totally pissed off, presumably at having been passed up by the Academy. I'm talking about grinding down her teeth pissed off. I wanted to go up to her and tell her she'd been fucked over, but I think she would have kicked me in the nuts just reflexively.
· 2/5/04: saw Seal (wearing silver boots) at Bagutta Life on Greene St. talking to store owner, discussing mutual pal Boris Becker's "nasty" break-up with ex-wife, Barbara (whom apparently designs jewelry now), wherein Seal rationalized, "Well, he's GERMAN."