· At Beverly Hilton Golden Globes party, Paris gets security guard fired who said, "Hey, you should have won a Globe for your porno." [NYP]
· Internet gossip Matt Drudge (or, as we like to think of him, DRUDGE!!!) has finally pushed the John Kerry Botox story over the edge: the NYO and the Daily News today both have oodles of plastic surgeons who swear the presidential aspirant is all botulistic in the face. [NYO] and [NYDN]
· Jamie Lee Curtis and Diane Lane have faux bitch-fight in Golden Globes bathroom. [E!]
· Trump: don't drink, don't smoke. (But is there 12-step for self-hating hair?) [NYP]
· Happy birthday, Lizzie Grubman: whiny irksome court documents published. [NYDN]