· Bad trend alert: it seems cigarettes, like books, are so decorative.
· Wanna be a writer? Why not start by doing someone else's writing for them — for free! It's a time-honored tradition and it just makes everyone feel so good.
· Eric Snider on the perils of Sundance: "The Sundance film guide suggests 'Harry and Max' is about two brothers, one 23 and one 16, one an aging boy-band pop idol and the other just beginning to follow in his footsteps. This much is true. What the film guide neglects to mention is that these two brothers HAVE SEX WITH EACH OTHER! This is the sort of thing that ought to be mentioned in large letters in the film guide. If technology will allow it, the film guide should actually vocally YELL it at readers. Of course, the film guide should have also mentioned that the movie is pretty crappy, full of soap opera-quality dialogue and poor acting, but if the Sundance programmers refrained from scheduling bad movies, the festival would only last five days instead of 10. But anyway."