Amazon Celebrity Wishlists
Spoofing Amazon wishlists, like Friendster profiles, is by now an ages-old tradition. And then, sprinkled among the jokes, it looks like even real celebrities (or semi-celebrities) want gifts too. In true psychotic fashion, an anonymous source has been accumulating these wishlists for a while now. Click "more" for the whole list.
y - Yes, this person has a wishlist.
i - The identity of the person in question is fuzzy (could be a namesake, could be someone playing around or using a pseudonym...). This is totally subjective as you can imagine, and I've made my best guess based on the sort of stuff in the wishlist, and whether they've listed a location or birthday that's consistent with what is known about the person.
d - Person is dead.
a - The person has provided a shipping address for gifts.
<a href="
">Graydon Carter (yia)
<a href="
">David Letterman (yi)
Jay Leno (yi)
Jonathan Weiss (yi) and also here
Joe Lieberman (yi)
Michael Jackson (funny)
<a href="
">Donald Rumsfeld (yia)