How'd your fame work out this week?

↑ Madonna: stretches out her chakras for one more multimillion-dollar world tour this summer.
Apprentice contestant Omarosa and Trump's girlfriend Melanoma, err, Melania: TV's hot scary women who will slice you without a moment's notice.
↑ Charles Townsend, new CEO: Yeah, publish that Conde Nast! You like that, don't you! Publish Conde Nast harder! Oh yeah, baby!
Electrical utility boxes: Now East Village kids have one more thing to worry about — getting horribly randomly electrocuted.
↑ takes money from Jann Wenner, who they'd mightily dissed just 16 months ago.
Fabian Basabe: rich (or not?) twit to watch.
↑ Christina Applegate: she's going to give Robert Blake the chair if she doesn't get outta that jury pool.
↑ Michael Jackson: partying down after court.
↓ Jessica "I am not pregnant" Simpson does nothing all week. (And no, there is no Jessica Simpson porn tape. We hope.)
↓ The Daily News's Lloyd Grove: Commenting on the Daily News publisher Mort Zuckerman's donation to the Statue of Liberty Fund, a DN staffer said, "It's nice that he has the money to hire that Lloyd guy and to give money to the statue, but we think it would be a lot nicer if he gave the money to the hard-working men and women at the Daily News."
New York columnist Michael Wolff: watch the tumbleweeds roll by his lonely table at Michael's.
↓ Rosie and Boy George: Taboo off Broadway, into the toilet.
↓ Britney: even the Star bans her from the cover.