1. Gawker's publisher is hiring an editor for a forthcoming weblog about global travel. Now, simmer down: you don't actually get to GO anywhere. However, there are other perks: you get to work at home in your underwear, become an expert in weird, quirky and naughty tidbits all over the world, and, best of all, you get to be a total bastard all day. The site will be a travel guide for people like us, and, hello, we all need to know how to buy hash in Morocco and pick up hookers in Venezuela. Well, and where to stay and eat too, I guess. High maintenance people need not apply. Send your ideas about what's missing in the travel world to tips@gawker.com and please understand that I will simply delete your email if it bores me. Thanks!

2.You can now buy cheap text ads on Gawker over there ——>. You can advertise pretty much anything (I'm sure some restrictions apply — don't try advertising your services as a socialite hitman or anything, but otherwise go nuts).

3. What was the third thing again? Oh yeah, ugh: We're in the running for New York mag's "Best New York Blog" or whatever. Please remember that a vote for us is a vote for absolute humiliation. Please vote against us early and often: winning that contest would be tragic and all kinds of gross. Awards bring pain.