· Gwyneth Paltrow under pressure from pal Madonna to endorse Wesley Clark, Democrat for president. "And it all seems to be for [President Bush] and his friends to keep getting richer at the expense of a nation, at the expense of the environment," she says. (Also, last item: Britney Spears loves hookahs and strawberry-flavored tobacco. "Hookah's not like weed, is it?" she asks). [The Scoop]
· Full-time Michael Jackson stalker Diane Dimond is selling a book on... yes, Michael Jackson. Someone stop her. Now. [NYP]
· Babies are in. Who pops first? [NYDN] and [NYDN]
· Nicole Kidman has interlocking C's branded on her rump. [NYP]
· Mariah Carey wants to make nice with rival Jennifer Lopez for a duet. Meanwhile, camp J.Lo responds, "I don't know how Jennifer would benefit from working with Mariah." Also, is that you at Soho House, Ms. Carey? [NYDN] and [NYDN]
· Loan sharks and deadlines for Michael Jackson's Beatles collection. [Fox 411]
· The pressure to be editor-in-chief of American Media's new celebrity publication, Red Carpet, is "like, 'Oh, my God!'" [Intelligencer]