· Will Bonnie Fuller launch the new glossy Star magazine with the Britney Spears wedding pictures? She shelled out $100,000 for exclusive rights. [NY Daily News]
· Former restaurant critic William Grimes turns his nose up at yesterday's insults from Le Cirque: "Objectively, my wife is very attractive." [NYP]
· Felix Dennis, publisher of Maxim, Stuff, Blender, and The Week, sent his favorite underlings to his house in Mustique. "When you are at Felix's you don't have to do anything," says a spokesman — except leak details to the tabloids. [NYDN]
· Scarlett Johansson recalls the good times with Colin Firth: "Colin kept saying I looked like a peeled egg. He also said I looked like a Q-Tip. He'd stick little Q-tips with happy faces on the makeup mirror." [Scoop]
· Erika Christensen and Clay Aiken dwell on their childhoods. One was spent in a Michael Jackson video, the other propably should have been. [NYT]