Matt Drudge: Fuzzy Math?
Today Matt Drudge, the undisputed news king of the internet, reported (in his all-caps house style) that "DRUDGE PASSES MSNBC IN AMAZON INTERNET RANK."
In the graph below: Drudge Report traffic (in red) vs. MSNBC traffic (in blue), according to Amazon's Alexa service.

Well, yes. Drudge now pulls more visitors than MSNBC. But, isn't it really more a case of "She stoops to conquer"? The real question is: what the hell is going on with MSNBC's traffic? Was it just the hideous redesign?
(Incidentally, Gawker's traffic is measure on this graph in white. Heh.)
Alexa Traffic rank: MSNBC [Alexa]
Alexa Traffic rank: Drudge [Alexa]