· Ben Affleck turns on Harvey Weinstein, and confuses street musicians with prostitutes: With Good Will Hunting, Matt and Ben "were a very successful marketing hook for Miramax, and they used it... It felt a little bit like we were whoring our friendship, like a guy out there with an organ grinder and a monkey." [NY Post]
· The New Yorker loads up an ark with two copies of every issue and floats it to Kansas for digital archiving. What, they don't have a scanner at Conde Nast? [NY Mag]
· Jessica Simpson elaborates on her wedding night: "Even though having a sex life with Nick [Lachey] would have been fun, something about our wedding night was so magical. So magical! He pulled me out of my dress, and the dress was just standing there on its own because it was a Vera Wang masterpiece." [NY Daily News]
· Ethan Hawke purchases an antique Chinese wedding bed on his way to divorce court. [NY Post]
· In The Producers, Nathan Lane takes a shot at Rosie O'Donnell's Taboo. In response to why one should not invest their own money in productions, Lane says, "It's taboo. Taboo. Get it?" [Fox 411]