· Diddy craves Tony; marathon man reportedly staring in the new Broadway revival of "Raisin in the Sun." Besides acting like a hip hop star in his music videos, he was executed in Monster's Ball and is currently shooting "Love in Vain," a bio-flick about blues legend Robert Johnson. To Mr. Combs' credit, he actually auditioned. [Broadway.com] and [NY Post]
· PR magnet Lizzie Grubman in talks with MTV about a new show. That girl just won't let failure after failure keep her down. That's gumption! [NY Daily News]
· Tina Brown contemplates 2003 and 2004, the years in review and preview. "Today's journalism seems to be a day late and a dollar short half the time," the author of the weekly Washington Post column says. "I still think there are so many stories that are not being done out of short attention span or fear of corporate pressures on editors." [NY Post]
· Vogue's Anna Wintour reportedly grabs a place in Grenada. What? [NY Post]
· Barbara Walters on why the Queer Eye Fab Five are collectively one of the 10 Most Fascinating People: "There are people who are perhaps a bit homophobic, but who enjoy these guys and this show and who see them as warm and funny and nice men." The ABC special airs tonight and - we hope - Paris Hilton has a chance at 2003's Most Fascinating Ever! [NY Daily News]
· No, you stole my boyfriend! Senior year is filled with social land mines for young actresses Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lowan. Aaron Carter is mine! Mom! Get her out of here... Oww, witch, stop pulling my hair! [Ny Post]
· Tom Cruise talks to Details regarding his legal wishes when the press turns sour: "Just sue. Just do it. Sue, sue, sue. Do it. Go, go, go, go." Such a nice guy. [Wash Post]