Who knew? Today is the one-year anniversary of Gawker. Look how far she's come! From a not-really-profitable twinkle in a silly millionaire playboy's eye to... oh. Derr... Never mind!

I wanted to interview Gawker Founding Editor Elizabeth Spiers on this very long year of bitchery, mayhem, and bad parties, but she wasn't available for comment. Like the rest of New York mag's staff, she isn't hungover from last night's "Freedom from Pecker and Weinstein" party — she's actually still shitfacedly drunk, wandering the LES in the rainy dark morning... all-black clothes slightly torn, bottles clinking in her trench coat, perhaps a lush wilted gardenia behind her ear?

We'll have a teeny celebratory retrospective of Gawker's worst and worster moments later — perhaps in iambic pentameter!