· At yesterday's New York Magazine Awards, Vogue's Anna Wintour presented P.Diddy with the Music/Business award. Still ranting about wanting to make a remake of Marathon Man, Diddy announced "I lost another toenail last night. I already lost one, and if I lose another one I'm gonna have permanent damage to my feet. I did it for the kids, and I'm glad I did it, but my feet are hurtin.'"... Nearby, Publisher Jason Binn lunching with Fox News executive Roger Ailes in the Four Seasons Grill Room. CNN's Paula Zahn turned away to avoid cat fight with Ailes, who previously compared her to "a dead raccoon." Liberal head Al Franken shook Ailes' hand and walked away with an award, presented by Ann Coulter-bashing Tina Fey of SNL. Senator Clinton, Barbara Walters, Marisa Tomei, Caroline Kennedy-Schlossberg, among those in attendance. [NY Post] and [NY Daily News] and [NYT]
· Wenner Communications throws its holiday party on closing night of Us Weekly for the second year in a row; hey, Us staffers want to get drunk and make out with interns too! [NY Post]
· Hip hop/fashion mogul Russell Simmons' wife, Kimora Lee Simmons, of Baby Phat clothing, may be responsible for a 49,000-sq. ft. mansion with 20 bathrooms, five maids, four assistants, two drivers, and a 25-carat diamond ring, but "extravagance is in the eye of the beholder," she says. While their two toddlers take yoga, swimming, ballet, piano, gymnastics, and Italian classes, "I am teaching them to respect the oneness of humanity and to never look down on someone who is less privileged or fortunate." [NY Daily News]
· Singer Alicia Keys, speaking from the wrong side of celebrity reality, says, "I see some of my peers and how they are always in the news, out at parties, and I go to myself, 'Please, just go somewhere and sit down. Let us miss you.' I'm not wearing booty shorts, or low-cut blouses or see-through dresses for anybody, no matter who asks me. The music is all I'm selling." [NY Post]
· Nicole Kidman on J.Lo: "I would love to have boobs and a butt like Jennifer Lopez. I honestly would! But I can't get them and I'm not going to have surgery, so there it is guys." [The Scoop]
· Crobar: a return to the 80s, violence and all. Clubgirl gets 185 stitches after opening night. Yow. [NY Post]