Sightings are provided by readers. Send yours to

In today's issue: Jude Law dangerously near Patrick Swayze, Ana Gasteyer, Jaime Gleicher, Ted the Food Queer, Ric Pipino, Thurston Moore and Kim Gordon, Tara Reid, John Cameron Mitchell, Chris Noth near alcohol, Cindy Crawford, Jake Gyllenhal, Ivana Trump (today's Gawker: more Trumps than a Jason Binn wedding), Richard Belzer, Dennis Leary and Gina Gershon possibly canoodling, Lara Flynn Boyle near food, Julian Schnabel, super(?)model Audrey Quock, and, last but not quite sluttiest, Christina Aguilera.

· In a sort of old-hunk-meets-new twilight zone moment, I saw both Jude Law and Patrick Swayze having lunch (separately) at Jean Georges. Jude looked quite yummy in a blue velvet jacket with tousled hair. Patrick was casual in a baseball cap and tan coat.

· Thursday night, Ana Gasteyer from SNL outside the Gershwin Theater, inhaling a slice of pizza before going in to see "Wicked". Sunday afternoon, I saw Jaime Gleicher from "Rich Girls" shopping at Jeffrey. She is a tragic little troll. She was wearing a chiffon Miniskirt in the freezing cold. also had on giant sparkly Chanel shades and a skull cap indoors. I felt sorry for the poor sales guys trailing here with shoes. Also, saw Ted The Food Guy From Queer Eye walking out of Jeffrey with a friend at the same time.
· On Saturday afternoon, I saw Ric Pipino in the corner of the midtown K-Mart, nestled between bikes and fake Christmas trees, giving little kids holiday hairdo's. It was just sort of sad—he used to be married to Heidi Klum and now he's giving preschoolers corn rows at K-Mart.
· Friday night 12/12...was having w/ a friend at cafe luise (rivington and essex) when i saw thurston moore and kim gordon (of sonic youth) walking past. noticed thurston first...can't miss him b/c he's pretty tall. confirmed that the guy was thurston when i saw kim walking next to him. i freaked out about the sighting...but my friend didn't know who the heck they were.
· around 11pm tara reid stopped her limo @ 42nd $ 2nd, as far as i can tell for no other reason to play with my two dogs (a jack russel & a beagle). she seemed to really dig them, and just as i was thinking that this girl is a real animal lover, i noticed her expensive looking fur coat. hmmm. and the dudes inside the limo were soooo happy to stop <— not really. perhaps they were on their way to crobar?
· I saw John Cameron Mitchell walking south on 7th Ave around 49th Street. He was laughing while talking on his cell phone. He is shorter than I expected. It is kind of unsettling how even without makeup and wigs he still looks like Hedwig.
· Wed 8:30pm at Schiller's Liquor Bar. Wondered who they were saving a booth for. Chris Noth walks in with a short round older guy and two women—a blonde and a brunette. No sign of his New York reported heart throb. So the hair. Not thinning. Was it real or Ron Popeil? Only his stylist knows for sure.
· Saw Cindy Crawford Tuesday night dining w/ 2 female companions at Tamarind. Initially they were seated at a table in a rather open area, but was eventually moved to a more private booth (perhaps cuz there were too many business men openly gawking at her?). Yeah, she was hot...but in that soccer mom kinda way these days.
Also saw Jake Gyllenhaal coming out of caf caf in on Greene St on Wednesday. Sporting the scruff look w/ a wool hat and was by himself. And oh yeah, he s hot in every imaginable way these days. Phew, stalking is hard work. Gotta pay attention all the time!
· ivana trump: sarafina sandro restaurant on 58th and mad. ivana was defiantly 80s. platinum blonde helmet up-sweep hair-do, way-too-long finger nails, black skirt suit, big diamond brooch, big diamond ring on right hand. face-lift wasn't too tiight, wasn't too saggy. just right. piled up next to her banquette were shopping bags of wrapped gifts from crate and barrell. also piled up next to ivana were three men—youngish, stylish, gayish.
· Richard Belzer was entering my office building at 11 West 42nd Street, wearing a black suit, black overcoat, and black-as-night prescription (I assume) sunglasses (as opposed to those smoky-gray shade changing ones he wears on L&O SVU). He was carrying a large bag from Coliseum Books, which is just next door. I don't know which floor he was going to or what he'd be doing in the building. (Tenants include Valentino, E!, Martha Stewart Living, NYU, Anne Klein; hmm, maybe something with E!) I thought I saw him pass through the lobby, entering on the 42nd Street side and exiting on the 43rd Street side, but I couldn't be sure. It wouldn't make sense for him to merely pass through the building, as Coliseum has an exit on the 43rd Street side, too. If he did go upstairs, he didn't check in at the lobby reception desk. He's been spotted in the building at least once before, that time talking animatedly with a friend while passing through. Maybe he just likes the building.
· I saw Dennis Leary and Gina Gershon at a back booth at Odeon last week around 9:15. They left a little after 9:30.
· saw lara flynn boyle's skinny ass on monday night around 10:30 at the sensory-overloaded pop burger. she was wearing jeans and a turquoise jacket with a turquoise fur collar. she arrived alone but sat with three other women, once of whom was wearing arm warmers. not surprisingly, she didn't eat.
· was walking up an icy 1st Avenue near 118th street on Sunday night, my greasy taqueria take-out in hand. Out of the mist lumbers Julian Schnabel, glaring at me as he stumbled into Patsy's. Wool coat over pajamas, naturally. Lovely coral-colored ones, I think. He must have put a curse on me with that gimlet-eyed stare - I was really sick after that bowl of posole.
· Saturday night, slightly after midnight at The Flat, two girls I was with grab me to say that a Sports Illustrated model is at the bar a few feet away. I ask how they know. The girls (pretty losery) say, 'we thought she was pretty, so we asked her if she is a model, and she told us.' They are from Jersey and Long Island, forgive them. So I go in for a closer look, and indeed, it is Audrey Quock, who was in the SI Swimsuit issue a few years ago. Now the lighting was dark, and I didn't want to get too close and leer or anything, but I'm pretty sure it was her. The guy she was with was a dorky frat-type with a bad haircut.
· My new roommate was walking near Rockefeller Center a week ago Thursday, and because it was windy and cold, looking down. She sees some way-hooker high heel boots on a girl coming her way, and wonders just who would wear something like that in the bitter cold. She starts to look up and it's none other than Christina Aguilera, who is only with one handler, and not being mobbed at all. She said she was in full makeup, but looked very good.