· This may be one of the best gossip items of all time: Naomi Campbell "pals around" with hot Chechen oligarch. Is romance in the air? Or assassination? Only time will tell! [NY Post] and [NYDN]
· Learning Channel shoots "reality show" called "Faking It" about a Midwestern girl who moves to New York, goes to parties, and tries to social climb. Err, how is this different than the way the rest of us moved here? [NYDN]
· The Hiltons are heading to Hawaii for Christmas and the Hamptons for New Year's. "We'll just rent videos," said mother Kathy. [NY Post]
· Kidman, Stewart, Lopez and Affleck, Schwarzenegger, Fab Five, and Hillary Clinton are on deck for Barbara Walters' 10 Most Fascinating People of the Year special. Dare she include Paris "I am 2003" Hilton? [NY Post]
NYT Joyce "I hate the gossip industry" Wadler gets the long-rumored month off from her Boldface Names column. [Newsday]