· Paris Hilton is the favored pick for I Want Media's Media Person of the Year, according to the votes already cast. Celebrity magazine mogul Bonnie Fuller is a close second. Perhaps Paris can pull another stunt before year's end to solidify her win. [NY Post]
· Uma goes for the room service; now dating hotelier Andre Balazs. [NYDN]
· Madonna is not a pop star, she is a teacher. "If I taught people earlier in my career, it was by default. I wasn't consciously thinking of sharing in any way. I was just showing off . . . I felt full of myself." Was kissing Britney showing off? "We were playing with lots of post-modern iconography." Oh, that's what they call it now. (Last item). [NY Post]
· Michael Jackson's Neverland may be sold, according to Cindy Adams. As one comedian says, it should have been renamed Never Again ten years ago. [NY Post]