· Our favorite crackpot, director David Lynch, is trying to funnel $1 billion to promote mass meditation and establish a University of World Peace. "On the surface there's the giggle," he said. "I would just encourage people to look more deeply into this, and the giggles go away, unless it's just a giggle of pure happiness at the beauty of this — because this plan has been tested... Every time it's been tested it's reduced crime and violence." Here's for meditating on better uses of $1 billion. [Reuters]
· Hobbit posse: "No, we're not having a threeway." [E!]
· Gwyneth Paltrow played out the paparazzi by arranging for her brother's girlfriend, photographer Taryn Simon, to snap photos of Chris Martin kissing her womb. The photos sold for $150,000 and the couple jetted to their Hawaiian honeymoon after managing the chaos. V. v. Miramax of them. [NY Daily News]
· Paris Hilton has been approved to play former supermodel Janice Dickinson in a film version of Dickinson's memoirs. "I also have a porn tape floating around out there somewhere," says Dickinson. "You know I was a socialite in another life." Yes, another life when supermodels, not socialites, ran the fashion world. [Liz Smith]
· Heiress Nicky Hilton is negotiating for a talk show about "pop culture, music, sports, fashion, a little bit of everything," she says. On why she avoided Altus, Arkansas: "I'm in college and I like my private life, also." She added she will relish the opportunity to inquire about other people's private lives on her talk show... [NY Post]