I've been meaning to clarify a few things that come up fairly regularly in reader email. Particularly, I know it can be nerve-wracking emailing a bitchy, gossipy, snippy little rag like this. You probably think we have no morals or ethics. Well, you're almost right.

Confidentiality: Our moral code is exclusively devoted to the confidentiality of tipsters. If you ask for confidentiality, or if you provide information on background not for quotation, we are all about respecting your privacy.

Remember, just because we're gossips doesn't mean we're saying everything we know. In any event, have no fear about your confidentiality when writing in. Unless it's to tell me that you're killing someone right now, and then I'm probably going to forward your email to 311. Err, 911. Whatever.

Credit: Furthermore, we totally heart our network of tipsters all over town (and around the world). So let us know if you want credit for an item, and how so.

Promote Yourself: And finally, journalists and writers are encouraged to send in links to their stories. This is the internet: self-promotion is in, baby.

I think that's all: lessee... confidentiality, credit where credit is due, and whore yourself. Yup, that sums it up!