Sightings are sent in by readers: send yours to

In this issue: Chuck Barris, Timothy Daly, Chris Noth, Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin not once but twice, Magic Johnson, Dr. Ruth, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Sofia Coppola, a shameful sighting of Dan Futterman, R. Kelly, Jennifer Connelly, Dave Atell, Uma Thurman, Uma's dad Robert Thurman, Keanu Reeves, Jack Nicholson, and Danny DeVito, and finally, ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Julianne Moore.

· Last Friday I saw Chuck Barris of Gong Show and Newlywed Game fame ascending the escalator at Madison Square Garden on the way to his seat for the Coaches vs. Cancer college basketball game. Teams were Alabama vs. Pittsburgh and St. Joseph's vs. Gonzaga. Don't know if that matters. He was with a blonde woman in her 20's and a man about his age. Since he was a CIA agent and he could have me killed, I kept a respectful distance so I couldn't overhear exactly what he was saying to his male friend. The girl was probably the friend's daughter.

· I saw Timothy Daly on the corner of 57th St and 8th Ave. on Tuesday afternoon. He was wearing a knit hat that looked like his Grandma or maybe his sis Tyne Daly knitted in between "Judging Amy" scenes. I guess he must have saved his "Wings" salary he hasn't worked in a very long time.
· On the W train lastnite, around 6pm, Mr Big was riding in the first car exiting in haste at 57th street. He was engrossed in some book and didn t realize his stop til the last second and darted off as the doors were closing. While I was on, some big lady, who had to be from Maine or Vermont, by the way she was dressed, almost sat on him trying to squeeze into the seat next to him. I don t think she realized who he was. Mostly because he didn t look at all like his character he wore dark green corduroys, and a heavy wool blazer, with what looked like cole hahn s on his feet but he obviously hadn t showered or shaved since thanksgiving. Is that a toupee he wears on the show?? b/c he was also very thin on top. The entire sighting ruined my fantasy.
· Last night around 11 pm I saw Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin entering a townhouse on West 4th across the street from Tartine. tragically she was bundled in fur, so I was unable to confirm reports of an incipient pregnancy. my shameless peeping elicited a stoney glare from the Coldplay frontman before he ushered her into the house and slammed the door. sigh. twelve hours later, am still basking in their reflected glow. is Gawker handicapping wedding dates?
· Saturday afternoon, probably around 3-ish, saw Gwyneth and Chris Martin waiting to cross the West Side a few blocks from the helicopter port. They looked like a typical couple huddling together against the out of control wind storm. He was better looking than i thought, she not so much. I wouldn't have even noticed them had she not been wearing that long beige coat that she is always photographed in. I can't help but wonder... if you want privacy why wear something that may as well read 'I am Gwyneth' across it...
· I saw Magic Johnson dining with a party of 6 or 7 friends/family members at the late seating (9:30 pm) at Nobu last night (Mon. Dec. 1). He was chatting, shaking hands, and being friendly with everyone from busboys to Nobu himself. He's not only tall (obviously) but surprisingly really well built. In fact, he could probably easily kick my ass if he knew (and didn't like that) I was writing this about him . . . .
·I'm sending you the first entry of my new Christmas game...Celebrity Advent Sightings. Who needs a calender when you have midtown? Day One- Dr. Ruth Westheimer sipping coffee at a coffee house on 3rd at 45th. She had on a cute striped pink and white top-very modern. Merry Christmas.
· saw philip seymour hoffman looking scruffy and plump on thanksgiving, 8 pm, taking stroll w/ non-descript gentleman and woman w/ stroller on washington place. the 3 of them looked pretty suburban.
· Another Sofia Copolla sighting: late Sunday afternoon at the Whitney, checking out the John Currin exibit. Presumably Spike Jones in tow, but I did not see him from the front so cannot confirm (sorry, just a casual stalker...)
· i debated whether or not i should submit this because it would mean that i would have to admit that i have seen judging amy on multiple occassions, but...i saw Dan Futterman on the 1/9 going uptown on sunday. i always found him attractive in an odd way, but in person, he's really pretty foxy. also saw fisher stevens (which may beg the question why i recognized him), on 79th and amsterdam the night they were blowing up balloons for the macy's parade.
· Saw R. Kelly in Penn Station Weds night at 8:15. He was dressed in an oversized white sweat suit, and was carrying a petite female over his soldier (couldn't get close enough to gage her age, but she was very small.) He was followed by about 7 large men, each of whom carried several bouquets of relatively cheap looking flowers. [Ed. Uh, what?]
· i saw jennifer connelly with hubby and baby at blue ribbon brooklyn. she's hot. they were wearing t-shirts. he had fried chicken, she had salmon and breast-fed at the table, which was awesome. they cooed over baby and each other. i want in.
· Last night, I saw Dave Atell in the entrance of Rite-Aid on 8th Ave and 24th Street and heard him say rather loudliy into his cell, "Yeah, I just want to get fucked up as soon as possible." Don't know if that's really much of a sighting, though.
· Glimpsed Uma Thurman at Whole Foods around 12:30 the day before Thanksgiving, pushing around a shopping cart with her chatty moppet of a daughter. Ms. Thurman is about seven feet tall and her hair is still in that yellow, raggedy-do from Kill Bill. Hard to miss. Still, I lurched behind her for about 5 minutes with no idea as to who she was. When I finally got off the Uma train, my friend told me who I'd been following (im)patiently.
· On 115th and Broadway, Prof. Robert Thurman (father of Uma) explaining the origins of Thanksgiving to a Buddhist monk.
· Saturday night at the pretty people palace we all know and love, SoHo House: Keanu Reeves, Jack Nicholson and Danny DeVito only a few feet away from me in a private room. Damn the glass windowpane between us drowning out their dialoguing. Keanu was clean shaven, smoking cigs again, and with a blonde. At one point he got up and did a little dance for her. I really don't care what They say about his acting; he is one freaking beautiful man. Hoooo-wah. I also don't really care enough about Jack and DeVito to remotely describe what they were doing. But after wondering what Mr. Reeves is doing with the two of them—odd paring—I go gawk at the IMDB and discover, viola, he just wrapped a film in which he plays doctor to Nicholson's character's heart attack. And then a love triangle erupts between the two and a character played by Diane Keaton?! Um, yeah. Maybe DeVito's company is producing. I dunno:
· Like every Tuesday evening, today I proceeded to Prospect Park West and 3rd St, in the heart of Park Slope, to my running-with-the-fags night (well, it's officially called the Front Runners Club) for our weekly spin around Prospect Park. Today we compensanted for the cold weather by sighting Julianne Moore and her glowing red hair in the distance. She was wearing jeans and she was with a man, taller than her. The whole section of the park had been converted into a set (they even put up a fake stone wall that looked very real) and there were huge cranes higher than the trees holding some very bright lights. According to the cute security guard (seriously sexy, with curly black hair and an Secret Service-stype earpiece) Julianne is very nice to all the crew. He had to fetch her breakfast a couple of times and she was very thankful. Class all the way, Julianne! Class all the way!