· You can get an entire film crew in Paris. France, not Hilton. Sex and the City finale may be set in Paris, not New York. [NY Post]
· Michael Jackson is worried he is being spied on in his own home. The interiors of his stuffed animals and 12-year-old boys are all being checked for surveillance devices. [NY Daily News]
· Chapin is not the private school of choice for Rich Girl Jamie Gleicher. Although Chapin was shown in the first episode of Rich Girls, the school has been cut because Gleicher never actually attended it. Said one Chapin alumna, "I think that the show exceeds every negative stereotype that exists about New York City private-school girls... It makes it seem like everyone?s really dumb and really loaded but still gets to go to the right colleges." Uh, yeah? [NY Observer]
· Gwyneth Paltrow could be popping out offspring shortly. She wants babies, she has Chris Martin of Coldplay, and her flack is not issuing a denial. Call Tina Brown! Pregnancy is V. V. Hot this summer! [NY Daily News]
· J.Lo may be the subject of Jackie Collin's latest book, Hollywood Divorces. Why, it's about a J.Lo-type who marries a dud to escape her true love, a P.Diddy-type. Collins believes that J.Lo "should be with P.Diddy" and everyone and their mother - including Guadalupe Lopez - would be better for buying her book. [The Scoop]