· Tina Brown was brought to tears by surprise 50th birthday party last Friday. The guests, she said, represented the best days of her life. Here's to another 57 years as good as the last, Tina. (We kid!) [NY Daily News]
· Newlywed Jessica Simpson admits "I don't ever think before I talk." Mm hmm. [NY Daily News]
· Pornstar Jenna Jameson thinks she is Julia Roberts, "just a little bit" sluttier. Roberts prepares lawsuit regarding the vagueness of the phrase "little bit." (last item) [Washington Post]
· P. Diddy threw a fit when he found out he was only a presenter, not a winner of VH1's "Big in '03" awards. What do you want to win, Diddy? "I want to be the Big Maverick - give me the Big Maverick '03 award!" The script was reworked, and now Diddy has another insignificant award on his mantle to torture him late at night when he remembers that he is a talent-free corporate entity. [NY Post]
· Michael Jackson will be stronger than yesterday tomorrow, says his psychic. "I got a flash," he says. "Because of this frame up, no one is going to believe the earlier charges were a frame up too, and he?'s going to come out of this stronger than ever. This all came to me like a lightning bolt." Slow news day, eh? [The Scoop]