· From the "Who says American lives have no second act?" Department: Paris Hilton spotted in a black wig giving her new cell phone number to anyone with a camera and a Red Bull... Rosie O'Donnell may save the day by taking over a role in her musical, "Taboo"... and Britney gets stinking drunk out on the town (again). [NY Post]
· Apparently J.Lo's mother, Guadalupe, is the orchestrator of their break-ups and hook-ups. Guadalupe has a thing for Ben Affleck. He buys her gifts, and they gamble together. What do they say about the family that gambles together? Related: Jen and Ben's lost weekend in Atlantic City. [NY Post] [NYDN]
· Michael Jackson, his attorney, make-up artist, plastic surgeon, and others, were secretly and illegally taped on their private plane to Jackson's surrender to the media mob. The tape was offered for sale to ABC News. A producer said the tape shows attorney Mark Geragos flailing his arms, Jackson laughing, and everyone washing their hands before they have sodas. Also there was an alien abduction and some probing. [Sydney Morning Herald]
· Michael Jackson accuser may be credited on his "Invincible" album as "Baby Rubba - My other family." Bumper-stickers will be on sale shortly at MJ News. [The Scoop]
· The power of parody: "PETA acknowledges that [American Idol Clay] Aiken retains his testicles and did not seriously imply otherwise." [The Scoop]