Stalker sightings are all submitted by readers. Mail yours to

In this massive weekend wrapup issue: Sofia Coppola, Calvin Klein, Chloe Sevigny, Carson Kressley x2, Stephan Jenkins, Leah from Real World Paris, Bob Vila, Adam Yauch, "Seth Cohen" from the OC, Christopher Moltisanti, Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke — heh, no not together, hipster film critic Elvis Mitchell x2, Spike Lee, Moby, Julia Stiles, Marisa Tomei, Jennifer Garner, writer Richard Price, David Schwimmer, Wade Robson, Scott Foley, Frederique.

· i saw sofia coppola on houston. i was eating a bagel in front of russ & daughters. she was wearing a short black and white coat and has little skinny legs and was walking quickly with two people. one of them gestured towards my bagel and said "hungry?" she did not really look at me but laughed, as if implying "i wouldn't sit on a bench" or "i wouldn't eat a bagel". no sign of spike, duh.

· In Friday evening, November 21: Saw Calvin Klein at Florent, dining with a few other younger-looking companions. He looked a tad world-weary, but had a smile on his face.
· Friday at 6 pm, I saw Chloe Sevigny at the Met Foodmart on 3rd Ave @ 17th Street. She was wearing a brown, flowered moo-moo but the minidress version, with her hair in a low school-marm bun. She bought many goya products and proceeded to bag them herself (!), putting many of them in her tote bag, which she obviously got free at some sort of event (it had numerous embroidered logos). She must live in the neighborhood, because no one would shop at that crappy store unless it was right near their apt.
· Carson Kressley from Queer Eye, Sunday night at the Deep club on West 22nd Street. Clad in leather pants, he wasn't exactly dressed to sweat (as could be expected), but he got down on the dance floor nonetheless.
· Does this even count? Queer Eye's Carson, wearing a silly newsboy hat and sillier belt buckle, pawing through the half-off European designer rack at Century 21. And no, the voice is not a put on.
· It's either feast or famine with gawking....Sunday was a bacchanalian orgy. At noon in Peekskill I got on Metro-North at the rear of the train and, sitting in a nearly empty car, was Stephan Jenkins, lead singer of Third Eye Blind (thanks, Google!). Seeing as they're playing in Poughkeepsie tonight (thanks again!), I guess he'd had about all the Poughkeepsie any man can take and was headed into the city for some action. Then, after I transferred on the 42nd St. Shuttle I saw blondie Leah from MTV's Real World Paris. She was wearing those ridiculous Bono-esque bug-eye sunglasses. I had an almost irrepressible urge to purr in a bad French accent: "Hello? You're wearing sunglasses three stories below ground. You're a non-celebrity; you're just another girl from the Island in ill-fitting Seven jeans." If that wasn't enough insanity, at 5pm I made my way uptown for drinks/dinner drinks and came across Mr. FIx-It himself, Bob Vila, repeatedly saying "No" into his cell phone at 80th and Amsterdam...don't these people know Sunday's supposed to be a day of rest? I nearly strained my neck. Nearly.
· walked by adam yauch (MCA) of the beastie boys sunday afternoon on 2nd avenue and 5th street. and drea de matteo 20 minutes earlier. same place. both were hand in hand with requisite significant others.
· Saturday afternoon, 1pm, Seth Cohen (his name in real life escapes me) from the OC eating brunch with 2 male friends at EJ's on the Upper West Side. Wore a plaid shirt and ate eggs and toast. Was very gracious to the dozens of olsen-twin lookalikes that bothered him throughout the meal. Resisted the urge to ask him what the big secret is this week.
· It so happens that Christopher Moltisanti/Michael Imperiolion and a woman were standing outside Bliss on 49th Street, smoking ciggs. After they finished their cigarette's they went into the Box Tree Inn Restaurant for dinner....I thought that place was Kosher??? Tony wouldn't accept that now would he? As far as the woman he was with, I'm not sure if he's married or not so I don't know if it was his wife. The woman had on black boots and a black leather 3/4 coat. Her hair was horrible, it seemed as though she might have tried to crimp it. On the other hand maybe it was just really frizzy. I think it was around 9pm when I saw them. Right around the time the fireworks on the East River ended.
· Sunday evening, around 6 pm, I saw Uma Thurman running (yes, running) east on E.15th Street between Park and Irving. She is so stunningly beautiful in person, it's really awe inspiring. How on earth does Ethan Hawke think he's gonna do better???
· I saw Ethan Hawke this afternoon, on Columbus near Lincoln Center...he had a child's bandaid on his forehead. Could not make out which cartoon character it featured, though.
· On thursday I was coming back from the post office on 52nd and 8th and walked right past NY Times film critic Elvis Mitchell. Ah-ha! I was excited, I'd have my first gawker stalker sighting. Then I started thinking about it and wondered if Elvis was celebrite enough for your site. "Hold off," I thought, for something better. I'm glad I did 'cause last night I was at Temple Bar on Lafayette and sitting at the next table was none other than Jude Law and his gorgeous blond girlfriend. They were with 4 other people who I didn't recognize having a good time. They didn't seem to mind the table of drooling 18 yr old girls nearby furiously text messaging all their friends.
· Okay. I went to a screening of the new Eddie Murphy vehicle, Haunted Mansion, at some ungodly hour on Saturday morning. First of all, I am pretty sure I spotted Elvis Mitchell (film critic for the Times, entertainment reporter for NPR's Weekend Edition). I'm serious. Elvis Mitchell watching Jennifer Tilley's head surrounded in green smoke and suspended in a crystal ball. As if that wasn't enough "what-are-yoooou-doing-here" for you, as I was leaving, I saw Spike Lee and his family on the escalator. Spike "Bamboozled" Lee! His daughter looks exactly like the pretty wife, the son looks exactly like Spike. It was very cute. I would've told him he got robbed when Malcolm X didn't get Best Picture, but I mean, like he cares what I think.
· was at parkside bar in LES sat night around midnight and there hanging at the bar was moby all suited up in a dark dress suit and calvin klein sunglasses; he mostly talked up some hot looking woman at the bar who looked like she was having a good time, but he appeared quite friendly towards all the people who ventured up to say something to him
· i saw julia stiles at the stella show last night. she stood by the bar the entire time and didn't laugh much. she high tailed it out of their with a tall fellow with dark hair when michael ian black, michael showalter, and david wain closed the last set.
· Saw Marisa Tomei crossing 12th and 5th on Friday afternoon. She was walking w/ a dude friend, a non celeb, and wearing jeans w/ a double faced cashmere pristine white jacket (a color that would no doubt turn into a more forgiving cream color one after one wear in NYC), and aviator sunglasses that take up 2/3 of her face.
· Last night, Jennifer Garner was walking with a blond female friend north through crowds in Times Square, just south of 48th St. She was trying to blend into the crowd, but looked up at me as I passed her, and I nudged my friend. When he said her name, she turned and then she and her friend hurried across the street away from us. Also, you may have noticed that KrazyEyed Killah from Curb Your Enthusiasm is now in a Circuit City commercial. He plays a suburban dad, surfing the web for Circuit City merchandise with his son. I guess Circuit City is now "coup de la". Motherfucker, what the fuck?
· I saw writer Richard Price wandering around 3rd Ave, around 14th street, with the largest, chrome Thermos I've ever seen, poking out of his backpack. He looked a little, well, baffled.
· I saw David Schwimmer drinking coffee at Cosi on Park and 31st yesterday around 1:00PM. He has a huge head in person!!
· I saw Wade Robson talking on his cell phone outside the Imperial Theatre Wednesday night, after exiting The Boy From Oz. He looked pissed off. I am not sure if it was over the phone call or the show he had just seen.
· Scott Foley smoking a cigarette just as casual as you please outside "The Violet Hour" theatre where he was about to perform; it looked like he was with a date, but then he walked in through the stage door and the girl bounded back over to her friends, so I guess she was just a fan. He is absolutely adorable in person, tall and totally cute with a great smile. Felicity should have totally picked Noel.
· Former Victoria's Secret/perennial Cosmo cover model Frederique mingled with the crowd at the Jack Pierson art opening at Cheim & Read in West Chelsea - she was there with her cute little girl and her VERY cute husband, quite tall, especially for this city. She is a marvel - it's been quite some time since she was gracing covers but the woman is drop-dead gorgeous, with eyes and skin clear as day, a sexy mop of blond hair (shoved up inside a newsboy cap) and these sexy beestung lips. Felicity should have totally picked Frederique.