Wired News, always quick on the draw, notes that people are defecting from Friendster for Tribe and Emode. Emode? Only if you're a 22-year-old girl with ADD who hearts Red Bull.

Someone calling herself Heathen Michael Persephone [I'm sorry, what? What the fuck happened to your name, sister?] gives awesome shallow quote: "I like Friendster because it is more people-oriented... Tribe is more geared towards selling used blenders and looking for a job. I don't need to be reminded how many jobless people there are, or what awful things people will do for a buck.... What I want is the fantasy that we are all rock stars, that everyone's ass looks great in leather, that everyone is sexy."

[Update: evidently everyone "cool" is on something called My Space. God, I feel so utterly excluded.]
Friendster Quickly Gathering Foes [Wired]