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In this issue: Christopher Moltisanti, Britney getting drunk in the East Village, Gilbert Gottfried, Swoozie Kurtz, Tony Kushner, David Lynch, James Gandolfini, Freddy Prinze Jr., Kenneth Cole and "bald nebby Jewish guy from Sex and the City," Jenna Elfman, Martha Plimpton, three sightings of Jude Law at the White Stripes, and two sightings of Steven Tyler — one of novella length.

This image was lost some time after publication.

· I saw Michael Imperioli, who plays the heroin-addicted nephew Christopher Moltisanti on The Sopranos, on the 2 train at about 11am
Sunday morning. He got on at Chambers, got off at 72nd, and had two kids with him, one about four (who got to ride in the blue stroller), the other about
ten. He read the Post, and left it on the train when he got off.

· A friend of mine works with the co-owner of the The Cock. Said that Britney Spears was there on tuesday, got totally drunk, vomited AT the bar, and had to be carried out....
· Saw Gilbert Gottfried walking down the street near Barney's COOP in Chelsea. Three words describe this guy: short, hyper and grumpy. Looking like that I can understand why he does so many cartoon voices - and we thank him for that.
· Swoozie Kurtz refusing (repulsive) walnut and roquefort cookie appetizer at James Beard House function Wednesday night. She is terribly skinny, was with a sister type and possibly a daughter type.
· Tony Kushner at the Astor Place Strabucks on Thursday afternoon, typing on a sexy little Vaio and talking on his cellphone via one of those Lt. Ohura earpieces. I watched/cruised for about an hour until a 20-something brunette whisked him away.
· David Lynch in typical Rain Man style, snapping pictures on Greene St.
· Popped into Schiller's late last night (1:30am) for a semi-intoxicated supper. Was seated next to James Gandolfini, who was dining with a pleasantly ordinary-looking, definitely-non-celebrity couple.
· Freddy Prinze Junior, picking up dinner for take out at Schillers Liquor Bar last nite at about 8pm. He was casual and doing the "head down, head scratching so you won't recognize me" move. No sign of Buffy...
· At Andrew Cuomo's book party last night, the bald nebby Jewish guy from "Sex and the City," and Kenneth Cole, Cuomo's brother-in-law.
· On Wednesday night, around 5:30 PM or so, I went into The Gap located near Astor Place. Low-and-behold, who do I see, Jenna Elfman no less. She's as tall as I am (around 6') and has long stringy blonde hair. She was very skinny and was perusing the sweaters hanging along the wall. She was with an older woman-her mother perhaps???
· semi-worthy: i saw martha plimpton the other day wearing very bright pink lipstick going up the escalator (to the housewares department) in k-mart in astor place. it took my companion and i twenty minutes to remember who she was and why we recognized her. · Jude Law at the White Stripes concert last night. He sitting was with a blond model type in a "roped off VIP section". They both appeared to enjoy the concert, however much like everyone else in the "seated VIP" section, this enthusiasm was contained to just moving around while seated on the chair, followed by the occassional movement of the arms.
· Jude Law and his new blond girlfriend/make-out buddy/"Alfie"co-star at the White Stripes show last night at Roseland. They sat on the V.I.P stage and "chair rocked" all night. Dude, STAND UP! They made quite the dashing couple and dear Jude is v. hot, if not a little to "done" for my taste. Eventually tried to ignore them (although they DID make it difficult) and appreciate the wonder that is Jack White, but some NYU co-eds fresh from Boise couldn't't stop pointing. Um, hello, this is NEW YORK, we don't POINT at celebs, we take notice, observe their glaring dorkiness (chair rocking), and then blog about them until we get the next issue of Star...THEN point and laugh at them looking horrible w/o makeup.
· I was fifteen feet from Jude Law at the White Stripes concert last night. The man is unbelieveably HOT in person. He was with some blond chick that no one seemed to recognize then she got up on a chair and started dancing... except it was more like drunk teetering. Mos Def was also there and he's not too shabby himself. Played it super cool though and stayed in the shadows.
· This weekend I saw Steve Tyler shopping at Saks. He is short & was wearing tons of makeup.
· Walking to the subway from the Arab-American Comedy Festival last night, around 11:00 or so, I passed by the Bottom Line, where Steven Tyler + ladyfriend were singing "Those Were The Days" (not the Bunker family version) loudly with another couple, the guy of which was probably some old rocker I don't recall. A bunch of huddled NYU kids gawk at the grouping, basking in the afterglow of said Aerosmith man.
One obnoxious NYU kid walks up and asks them if they want to go get a drink, to which the rainbow-goateed companion responds, "We don't drink anymore," and the kid goes "Yeah, right," and marches off.
I'm about to pass by when Steven Tyler pulls out a digital camera and starts taking pictures, then video, of their sing-along. He's asking his friends to speak into the microphone and showing them samples of the pictures he's taken.
So I figure I've just gotta find out what kind of camera it is. It looks like a Casio Exilim, but it's in a black leather case, so it's hard to tell. I'm hesitant about walking up to him and asking about it, because all these fans of his are hanging around just gawking, and I'm afraid I might get crucified on the awning for having nothing better to ask their might rock god than what camera he's using. But I gather up the courage to wade through, creep up behind him and say "What kind of camera is that?"
"It's called a Casio," he replies, as he begins showing me its functions. He's now pulled it out of the case, and I can see the printing in the top-left of the back says "Ex-M2," which I guess means Exilim M2? It touts 2.0 Megapixels.
So I'm like, great, thanks. "I've got this friend who runs a technology site, and I'll be sure to tell him," I say as I begin to walk away (when I finally did walk away, I kicked myself because I realize I never actually mentioned the word "Gizmodo"). But as I'm heading off, he goes, "Oh, you've gotta get one," and then starts mouthing geek-speak, pronouncing that his camera is "16 bit," that it utilizes "2 million pixels," but the piece de resistance, he tells me, is "the 512 card," with which "You can go on vacation for a week, then still be sitting in bed going [mimics taking useless pictures]."
The idea of Steven Tyler in bed on vacation snapping away with his digital camera while pronouncing on its technological superiority was just too funny for me, and I started giggling and walked away.