Okay, I wasn't even going to mention this heinous article in the Times about Gawker's publisher, Nick Denton. But, everyone's busy pretending it's chock full of meaning, so it's on Romenesko and Mediabistro and Gothamist. I cannot ignore the horror.

First of all, this Times writer-guy Andrew Sorkin definitely gives better head than a certain heiress we all know and love/hate. Nick Denton: Here's a cracked-out English playboy who runs three little websites which admittedly don't make any money and probably won't any time soon. Since when does that rate a big slobbery crotchkiss from the Gray Lady? Denton's press, by all rights, should consist of being mocked for his outfits in the nightlife write-ups of the Village Voice.

On a more personal note, my "boss" Denton describes his employees in some mangled metaphor about the Oakland A's. Once I called a couple of, how you say, "butch ladies" interpret this for me, I figured it out. In short, he means he hires losers because they're cheap. Uh, hi, I'm right here? I do know how to read and I do sometimes come across the New York Times. (The cat box has to be lined with something.) What's that? Does my lawyer smell a burgeoning legal claim?

Denton also says he's going to launch a dozen new websites next year. Some of my predictions:

Statuary: a gossipy rag about dramatic! changes! in historical monuments in downtown Philadelphia.
Royalbuzz: a stalking weblog about visiting royalty in America. Ooh, Princess Maria Anunciata of Liechtenstein is doing leg-lifts at the Jennie Craig in Wichita right now!
Drinkbot: Kool Kocktails for Kool Kids! Like OMG LOL I heart dirty martinis 2!
OverExposed: Hmm, maybe... a weblog documenting the social-climbing of a media-hungry cheapskate? I'm just saying.
Building a Web Media Empire on a Daily Does of Fresh Links [NYT]