How did their fame-osity fare this week?
↑ Paris Hilton: Her naughty bits are certainly more famous. Some suggest the sex tape release is a planned PR stunt; some are horrified at the exploitative nature of her exposure, some want her just to go away. Yet others won't be satisfied until tapes of her colonoscopy are publicly released. Different strokes, ya know. Fleshbot has compiled a helpful review of our class trip to Paris.
↑ Rosie O'Donnell and Boy George: the uber dyke-tyke/fag-hag couple survive Broadway, Centre Street, and every avenue in between.
↑ Simon Rex: the alleged star of the alleged Paris Hilton Threeway Tape allegedly gets his name in the papers.

This image was lost some time after publication.

Frances Eckholm Dore: Who hacked the Washington Post?
↑ Prince Charles: Does he or doesn't he? (Do guys, that is. Related: eww.)
→ Michael Wolff: Submits bid on New York mag, a process about which everyone has completely lost interest. (We'll care in two weeks. Whole bunches.)
Neal Pollack quits his website, immediately issues retraction. Whore.
→ Britney's big Diane Sawyer interview fails to beat CSI and ER in the ratings.
↓ Tina Brown: This week's column in the Washington Post attracts neither derision nor praise, only the hush of a woodland stream.
↓ Bonnie Fuller: Criticism for running name and picture of Kobe's accuser sticks.
↓ Stephen Glass; Slate's Jack Shafer pounds Glass into the ground for his lack of contrition; Glass refuses to take the bait, slithers off.
↓ Catherine Zeta-Jones: Threatens to sue anyone who mentions her and the Atkins diet in the same bite of bacon; the nation rolls their well-fed eyes.