Gawker Stalker sightings are submitted by readers. Please send yours to (Thank you for your patience with our technical problems.)

In this edition: Guy Ritchie, Caroline Kennedy, Uma Thurman, the Hanson Brothers, Sway, Britney Spears, Steve Kroft, Lou Reed, Christina Ricci, Alec Baldwin, Karolina Kurkova, the shorter half of Dolce adn Gabbana, Karl Lagerfeld, Lizzie Grubman, Ice Cube, Michael C. Hall.
· I just saw Guy Ritchie on the street during my lunch foraging. He was walking along at 57th st. and I said, "That guy looks like Guy Ritchie." Then remembering that Madonna did Letterman last night I realized, "Oh my god, that IS Guy Ritchie!"

Then I realized: if I follow him he'll lead me to Madonna! And Lourdes! And Rocco! So I gave chase for a few blocks and then he (surprisingly) went down the Subway. I'm very proud of myself for being mature enough not to blow-off the second half of the workday to continue stalking him (and his family). But I'm all aquiver now. Just a heartbeat away from my ultimate star sighting. [Ed. Enjoy your restraining order!]

· Caroline Kennedy on the downtown 6 subway at union square. 630 pm thursday. Seated with a box at her feet.
· Saw Uma Thurman on 11/12/03 at about 3:15 hailing a cab on the corner of 3rd Avenue and 23rd Street. She had her hair tucked into a black bucket hat and looked a little tired. As she as she got into the cab she started making phone calls on her cell.
· Tonight (Wednesday) around 10 PM ... the Hanson brothers ... are they on any lettered list anymore? All three of them together sitting down for dinner at The Odeon. They met two blonde women there who had already been there for at least half-an-hour. I wish I could say they came in full of pop-star attitude, but ... no. This isn't the age of "Mmm-Bop" anyway. They're all still recognizable, although definitely older and thankfully none of them have the long, stringy straight hair anymore. Didn't seem like anyone else really noticed them, although I think one or two of the waitresses might have been giving the youngest one (he's what, 14 now?) the eye.
· MTV VJ Sway having quiet dinner with female companion at Dinerbar (E. 100th St. and Lex), 8pm Tuesday. Wouldn't have recognized him if it wasn't for the headwrap.
· Monday the 10th at the Starbucks @ World Wide Plaza (the 8th Ave. one, not the 49th St. one) Miss Britney Spears getting her legal narcotics being lame, telling the cashier she was not who she really was, even as her limo sat idling outside.
· Keep an eye on Steve Kroft from '60 Minutes', he may just be the new film scenester. I spotted him last week at the "Shattered Glass" premiere party at Hue in the West Village, he was chatting for a long time with Martha Plimpton, while this week I saw him at the "Angels in America" bash at Cipriani 42nd St. Kroft was trying to get in on a conversation between Mike Nichols, Tony Kushner and George C. Wolfe.
· Saw Lou Reed at WD-50 last night as he tucked outside for a smoke. Many normally jaded New Yorkers were aflutter at his majestic presence.
· Saw christina ricci , adam goldberg, and some unidentified blond guy walking west on 4th street towards bowery. she's extremely short and has a lot of "junk in the trunk."
· Spotted Alec Baldwin alone at Dean and DeLuca, University Place, 6pm 11/5. Spent the whole time talking on his cell phone with his hand over his mouth. Made me think he must have had trouble with lip readers in the past.
· Last night, as I was coming out of Soho House, Karolina Kurkova was getting out of a cab. As she was walking toward the door, that guy Steven Kujojujube [sic] who does the "fashion" reports for the Today Show and similar, was yelling at her from another cab, "KAROLINA, come with us, George Clooney said he wants to meet you." She ignored him and continued inside. I don't think she even turned around. I also saw the shorter half of Dolce and Gabbana at Barney's the other day with two lackeys looking at and analysing all sorts of clothes on the cheaper upper floors.
· Saw Karl Lagerfeld slithering into Schiller's last night @ around 10:00. Looked as though he was denied some sort of essential moisture at birth. Was with either Linda Evangelista or Milla Jovovich. (Yes, we know, but we were very, very drunk.) Later, we headed to the not-so-secret secret Strokes show at Bowery Ballroom, where we saw that vampire guy from Interpol and a guy who was trying really hard to look like Ryan Adams, but wasn't.
· Lizzie exiting Barney Greengrass over the weekend with a take-out order. Because the place is packed, I became thisclose to her yellow straw mane as she pivoted out the door with her sturgeon and whitefish salad.
· i saw ice cube , the rapper, staring blankly and standing in front of the w hotel on lower park avenue with his back to traffic, waiting around for... something. then, as i'm leaving the hotel 90 minutes and a few beers later, i see cube again... in the exact same place, with the exact same expression.
· So I was standing in the will-call line at a Sunday night preview of "The Violet Hour," when my mom (visiting from Texas) jabbed me hard in the back. "Look. In. Front. Of. You," she whispered waaaay too loudly. I looked, saw nothing, and shrugged. "Look. RIGHT. In. Front. Of. You," she then whispered, louder still. Finally I noticed that Michael C. Hall was indeed standing, just as Mom proclaimed, right in front of me. His new crew cut threw me for a sec, but I have to say it looks 1000x better than his dorky "Six Feet Under" do. After the show, I explained to Mom the basics of proper Manhattan celebrity-spotting etiquette, i.e. pretend they don't exist.