We don't usually care about such journalistic things as equal time here at Gawker — if this was journalism, would it be on the internet? Anyway, media critic and New York editor Simon Dumenco has emailed us:

"The WNYC 'listener' who posted the craigslist rant is clearly learning disabled and/or slightly demented. On WNYC this morning, I repeatedly identified myself, and was identified by the interviewer, as the pop-culture columnist for New York Magazine, NOT a blogger. Despite the Craiglist poster's confusion, the listener who called in while I was on the air clearly complimented my "column," NOT my "blog." I spoke about Gawker not only because I love it, but because WYNC specifically wanted a segment on media- and celebrity-obsessed blogs. Naturally, I also pimped "The Kicker," Elizabeth Spiers' blog on New York Magazine's website. Anyway, from now on I'm only doing CB radio appearances while posing as Simon Doonan."

I'm not sure if I accept his "apology" for my "offense." I hereby demand a "job" at New York magazine, where I can get "paid" to post pictures of Paris Hilton's head around my "cubicle." Hey, it's okay: the doctor said I can have scissors again now!