The following email is purportedly written by a famously terminated Martha Stewart Omnimedia employee. He evidently felt the need to cc his "so long and good luck" email to her to a good chunk of the Martha Stewart Omnimedia offices. The forwarded emailed is editorialized by the various passers-on: "The following letter KYLE BLOOD!!! read below..." "he is a lunatic!" "oh lord" "Check out this e-mail that Kyle sent to Martha ... what a nut he is."

"From: 'Kyle Blood' <[...]>
Subject: greetings from your former assistant
Date: Sat, 08 Nov 2003 08:44:14 -0500

Dear Martha,

Today has been the final act of a very, very long Shakespearean play
filled with dramatic irony- for both of us.

On 20/20 tonight, the radiance, the intelligence, the humor, and the suceptibility of a woman I am proud to say I know was conveyed to a most judgmental public. You regained, if it had been lost at all, your grace and your dignity tonight, Martha, and I am proud of and happy for you. I venture not to speak of what may happen in January, for I have learned, all too well, in the last year and a half that all of us only have "today." Such is the lead-in for the first scene of a new play for you.

As for me, today I received the first paycheck I have been able to earn since I was terminated from a company I once loved. Ironically, the paycheck was for the services as an executive assistant, the same way the two of us started off in January of 1997. The manner in which you described the maligning and the misunderstanding that have affected you is similar to the way I have dealt with my severance from MSLO-incredulity, a sense of being misunderstood, the loss of a dream. But, while you were studying that fingerprinting machine, I was out there in a horrendous work environment making ends meet with my own company. This experience has changed my life, and I even am working on a business plan for a larger and more comprehensive endeavor, hopefully my very own "Entertaining." Now to find the capital! But, for now, I am content, grateful even, to be answering phones and organizing schedules. I've done it before. [...]

Regardless of how the next few months play out for us Martha, I am proud to have been at MSLO, and I remain proud of my achievements there. I'll never fully understand my dismissal, but that's fine-I've let it go. I'm in a different place in my life now, as are you. Both of us have undoubtedly changed our view of the world a bit, but we do remain dedicated optimists, no?

I wish you well, Martha.
