An reader writes in with an impressively detailed day of endurance celebrity-stalking. (We think perhaps our stalker is homeless, and just like to spare-change on different corners of mid-town. Nice work if you can get it.)

"On Monday, November 10th, I had four sightings! First, on West 66th, saw Peter Jennings being let out of a Town Car and ushered into ABC studios. He was dressed casually and appeared to be thinning on top. Shortly after, at 49th and B'way, saw Philip Seymour Hoffman buying a newspaper, lighting a cigarette and looking scruffy with a barn-type jacket and baseball cap. Then a little while later at the Public Library at 42nd and Fifth I saw Stanley Tucci approach the front door, only to be told they were closed. He looked great, dressed in a suit and tie. Later that day on W 51st, I saw Paula Zahn being let out of a BMW and entering the CNN studios at the Time Life Building wearing a pretty pant suit, stiletto heels and a scarf draped over her head ala Jackio O."