· The NY Post, like everyone and their mother, has seen the Paris tape too. In a letter to her parents, a completely rabid Linda Stasi writes: "What are you so suddenly shocked and angry about? Did you find out she was having unprotected sex in a Marriott and not a Hilton hotel?" [NY Post]
· Abercrombie & Fitch Quarterly is too spicy for the Daily Newsman Lloyd Grove. In the current issue, A&F questions Paris Hilton: "Did you have any other personal-hygiene dilemmas?" (Damn Lloyd refuses to print her answer: anyone care to admit to having A& F on hand?) [NY Daily News]
· Britney Spears may purchase Mr. Madonna's, AKA Guy Ritchie's, London townhouse. "I'm looking for somewhere cozy to hang out" with her massive collection of voodoo dolls, she explains. [NY Daily News]
· We knew this was coming: new Bravo and Comedy Central shows will attempt to heterofy the gayest gays in gaytown. [NY Daily News]