· Singer Pink snubs pet charity gala because fur-touting Vogue editor Anna Wintour will be in attendance. Host and Arista chief L.A. Reid disappointed at non-event of sexy sexy cat-fight. [NY Post]
· Beyonce wants to be more — or less — than a pretty face, demands MTV show her "serious" side. [MSNBC]
· "Rich Girls" Ally Hilfiger and Jamie Gleicher are smart enough to write resumes. Gleicher: "We must have done something really good for us to have the privileges that we do. Benjamin Franklin was born on my birthday, Muhammad Ali was born on my birthday. Like, maybe I was one of them." [NY Daily News]
· Madonna's second children's book, "Mr. Peabody's Apples," is released today, starring character Tommy Tittlebottom. Tee hee. [USA Today]
· Kelly "The Ripper" Ripa kicks off season of successful "feel-good" television that makes you feel really really vomitacious when viewing. [Hollywood Reporter/Reuters]
· The subway turns 100, celebrate by cabbing. [NY Daily News]