· Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas awarded $24,000 for damages caused by "unflattering" photos. CZ-J was worried that photographers had stolen her soul, but only got the ugly half. [BBC News]
· Ann Truman? Nah, Will Coulter sounds better if perky wackjob Ann Coulter married Will of "& Grace." [Chicago Tribune] [via Romenesko]
· Lessons in self-love and aggressive management: Jessica Simpson seriously over-rates her star-power, goes for film, sitcom, multiple endorsement deals, new book, and public journal. [NY Post]
· CBS goes blonde and young, signing Lizzie McGuire, AKA Hilary Duff, for new version of "Family Ties." [MSNBC]
· Circulation of The New York Sun passes 40,000 after price cut, in a sign that either people are grooving on the paper or that they'll buy anything for a quarter. [NY Daily News] [See also: today's Sun's version of the Paris Hilton story. Couldn't resist just a little more Paris.]