· Paris and Nicky: wouldn't shut up at the Sydney premiere of "Matrix: Revolutions." [NY Post]
· Children's Rights Halloween benefit (with Hilton sisters on the committee) goes horribly awry when costumed spazzes were forced to wait outside for hours without benefit of cocktails or ecstasy. [NY Daily News]

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· From an Australian reader: "Saw Nicky and Paris Hilton in a couple of wisps of fabric. Need to go now and burn my eyes out, just to avoid seeing them again. The local papers seem to be focusing a little to much on them, considering about 5 people know who they are around here (and even less care). Seriously, you can keep them."
· From another Australian reader: "Why are those Hilton girls here? Why are normally not-completely-hideous media putting them on the front page? One of them has been photographed cavorting on a stupid balcony with an Australian Idol star who did not even make the finals? We have our own skanky blondes with $$$ & cocaine issues here already. Do you know the result of having these people here? The Melbourne Cup (once known as 'the race that stops a nation' has become hugely un-in this year. Yes, reality show contestants, P-R puffettes and television people contractually required to be there ARE there but the rest of us are getting on with our work. Again, who sent them here??? BTW, i am not against them per se, free world and all that, but how much $$ do they spend bribing media to run stories on them? Or am I missing the point? Are they, like, an installation-art thing?"